〖G-〗(特にユダヤ・キリスト・イスラム教など一神教の)神, 創造主, 造物主, 至高の存在
e.g. a moon god
神像, 偶像
運勢, 情勢
e.g. he dialed the number and, the gods relenting, got through at once.
崇拝される人, 物, 影響力のある人, 物;
e.g. he has little time for the fashion victims for whom he is a god.
e.g. don't make money your god.
⦅英・くだけて⦆ ; 〖the ~s〗 (劇場の)天井桟敷(さじき)(の観客), 大向こう
e.g. God, what did I do to deserve this?
e.g. God, how I hate that woman!
e.g. Good God, where have you been?
see sake1 (sense 3) .
an expression of good wishes on parting.
may (you, he, etc.) be damned.
(in Christian doctrine) the first person of the Trinity, God as creator and supreme authority.
see forbid.
used to express a wish that something should happen:
e.g. God grant he will soon regain his freedom.
used to express the belief that someone is in a difficult, dangerous, or hopeless situation:
e.g. God help anyone who tried to cheer me out of my bad mood.
(in Christian doctrine) Christ regarded as the second person of the Trinity; God as incarnate and resurrected savior.
used to express the wish that one will be able to do as one intends or that something will happen as planned:
e.g. one day, God willing, she and John might have a daughter.
used in questions to emphasize anger or surprise:
e.g. what in God's name are you doing up there?
behave as if all-powerful or supremely important.
used to emphasize a strong wish or hope:
e.g. please God the money will help us find a cure.
see thank.
used after a verb to emphasize a strong wish or hope:
e.g. I hope to God you've got something else to put on.
dead and in heaven.