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in-in’ + halarebreathe
source: [無彩限のファントム・ワールドの和泉玲奈がファントムを吸い込むGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 922066]

breathe in (air, gas, smoke, etc.):
⦅ややかたく⦆ 〈息・煙など〉を吸入する, 吸い込む(breathe in)(↔ exhale)
e.g. with object : they were taken to the hospital after inhaling fumes
e.g. no object : she inhaled deeply on another cigarette.
with object North American informal eat (food) greedily or rapidly:
⦅米話⦆ …をがつがつ食べる, …をがぶ飲みする.
e.g. later on I inhaled a box of chocolate cookies while watching cable TV.

early 18th century: from Latin inhalarebreathe in’, from in-in’ + halarebreathe’.