[*** \mathrm{fog}^1] |fôɡ, fäɡ|
e.g. the collision occurred in thick fog.
〖単数形で〗(立ちこめた)煙; ほこり
e.g. a whirling fog of dust.
〖具体例ではa (...) ~/~s〗 〘写〙 (写真の)かぶり, 曇り
⦅くだけて⦆ 〖単数形で〗うやむやな状態; 混乱, 霧中
e.g. the origins of local government are lost in a fog of detail.
〈ガラスなど〉を曇らせる, …を霧で覆う, 霧に包む(up)
e.g. with object : hot steam drifted about her, fogging up the window
〈ガラスなどが〉曇る, 霧が立ちこめる(up, over)
e.g. no object : the windshield was starting to fog up.
〈写真〉をかぶらせる, 曇らせる
⦅話⦆ 〈人・頭〉を混乱させる; 〖be ~ged〗 〈人・頭が〉困惑する, 混乱する; ぼうっとする
e.g. she stared at him, confusion fogging her brain.
〈問題など〉をぼやかす, ぼかす.
e.g. the government has been fogging the issue.
e.g. Winnipeg stopped fogging for mosquitoes three years ago.
confusion caused by the chaos of war or battle:
e.g. he argues that the fog of war clouded everyone's judgment.
in a state of perplexity; unable to think clearly or understand something.
[*** \mathrm{fog}^2] |fôɡ, fäɡ|