generated at
point 消える
disappear: 視界や思考から消えてなくなること
vanish: 突然, 不可解にも跡形もなく消えること
fade: 物事・表情・音などがかすむように次第に消えてゆくこと
die out: 動植物・種が絶滅して消えたり, 習慣・伝統などが廃れてなくなること
clear: 視界をさえぎっていた煙・霧などが消えてなくなること
dissolve: 〘ややかたく・文〙 で, ある理由で感情・表情・消えにくいものなどが消えること
melt: 〘文〙 で, 感情・人・物などが次第に消えてなく, いなくなること

verb no object
〈光が〉ゆっくりと暗くなる, 〈音が〉だんだん小さくなる(away, out)
e.g. the noise faded away
〈人・物が〉 【視界などから/霧などの中に】見えなくなる, 消える, 姿を消す(away, out) «from/into»; 〖~(in)to A〗 (弱まっていって)Aになる
e.g. figurative : hopes of peace had faded.
lose or cause to lose color or brightness:
〈色が〉あせる, 薄くなる
e.g. no object : the fair hair had faded to a dusty gray
e.g. with object (usually as adjective faded) : faded jeans.
gradually become thin and weak, especially to the point of death.
〈人が〉衰弱する, (衰弱・病気で)死ぬ(away)
(of a racehorse, runner, etc.) lose strength or drop back, especially after a promising start:
⦅主に報道⦆ 〈選手などが〉それまでの勢いがなくなる, つまずく
e.g. she faded near the finish.
e.g. the signal faded away.
(of a vehicle brake) become temporarily less efficient as a result of frictional heating.
2. with adverbial (with reference to film and television images) come or cause to come gradually into or out of view, or to merge into another shot:
〘映〙 〈場面が〉(ぼかされて) «…から/…へ» 次第に変わる «from/to, into» .
e.g. no object : fade into scenes of rooms strewn with festive remains
〘映〙 【ほかの画像に】…を溶け込ませる «in»
e.g. with object : some shots have to be faded in.
(with reference to recorded sound) increase or decrease in volume or merge into another recording:
e.g. no object : they let you edit the digital data, making it fade in and out
e.g. with object : fade up natural sound.
3. Golf (of the ball) deviate to the right (or, for a left-handed golfer, the left), typically as a result of spin given to the ball.
〈ボールが〉フェードする〘利き腕の方へわずかに曲がる〙(↔ draw) 〘ゴルフ〙
with object (of a golfer) cause (the ball) to deviate:
〘ゴルフ〙 〈ボール〉をフェードさせる(↔ draw)
e.g. he had to fade the ball around a light pole. Compare with draw (sense 7 of the verb) .
4. with object North American informal (in craps) match the bet of (another player):
⦅米俗⦆ (クラップスで)〈相手〉と同額を賭ける.
e.g. Lovejoy faded him for twenty-five cents.

1. the process of becoming less bright:
色あせる, 消える, 弱まること
e.g. the sun can cause color-fade.
an act of causing a film or television picture to darken and disappear gradually:
e.g. a fade to black would bring the sequence to a close. Compare with fade-out.
2. Golf a shot causing the ball to deviate to the right (or, for a left-handed golfer, the left), usually purposely.
American Football a pass thrown so that the ball descends directly over the receiver's shoulder, especially as they veer toward the sideline:
e.g. shortly after receiving the snap, he threw a fade to Crabtree
e.g. as modifier : he scores on a beautiful fade pass to the back of the end zone.

informal run away:
e.g. he would have done a fade if he had seen somebody.

American Football move back from the scrimmage line.

fadeless |ˈfādləs| adjective

Middle English (in the sense ‘grow weak’): from Old French fader, from fadedull, insipid’, probably based on a blend of Latin fatuussilly, insipid’ and vapidusvapid’.