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beginが小説などの書き言葉で好まれるのに対し, startは会話から書き言葉まで広く用いられる
e.g. The story begins on Prince Edward Island.: 物語はプリンス・エドワード島から始まる.
startが静から動への移行を表すのに対して, beginにはそのような意味はない
e.g. We are starting ╳beginning at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow.: 明日の朝7時に出発することになっている.
e.g. He started ╳began down the road to the car.: 彼は車に向かって歩き出した.
「〈機械などが〉始動する; …を始動させる」
e.g. The engine started ╳began.: エンジンがかかった.
e.g. Who started ╳began the rumor?: 誰からそのうわさが出たのか.

point 出発する
leave, depart: ある場所を離れることをいう
depart: 〘かたく〙 で用いられ, 〘かたい文〙 では「死ぬ」の婉曲表現として「旅立つ」の意でも用いる
start: 移動行為を開始することに焦点がある
set off, set out: 共に出発することを意味するが, 長旅や困難な旅路への出発にはset outが好まれる傾向がある.

1. no object come into being; begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space:
〈人などが〉始める; «…に/…から» とりかかる, (off, out)(⦅より書⦆ begin) «on, in/with»
e.g. the season starts in September
e.g. we ate before the show started
e.g. below Roaring Springs the real desert starts.
with infinitive or present participle embark on a continuing action or a new venture:
〈人が〉〈仕事・作業など〉を始める, やりだす; 〖start to do/doing〗 …し始める, …しだす
e.g. I started to chat to him
e.g. we plan to start building in the fall.
use a particular point, action, or circumstance as an opening for a course of action:
〖start+副詞〗 〈ある期間・出来事などが〉 «…で» 始まる(off) «with, in, on» (!〖副詞〗は状態の表現)
e.g. the teacher can start by capitalizing on children's curiosity
e.g. I shall start with the case you mention first.
〖start+副詞〗 〈人・乗り物などが〉(ある方向へ)出発する, 歩き[動き]始める(off, out) (!〖副詞〗は起点を示すfromや方向を示すfor, across, upなど)
e.g. we started out into the snow
e.g. he started for the door.
with object begin to attend (an educational establishment) or engage in (an occupation, especially a profession):
〈人が〉〈事業・会社など〉を起こす, 始める, 起業する(up)
e.g. she will start school today
e.g. he started work at a travel agency.
〈新しい仕事〉を始める; 〈学校・大学〉へ上がる, 進学する
e.g. he started as a typesetter
e.g. she started off as a general practitioner.
with object begin to live through (a period distinguished by a specified characteristic):
«…で» 〈ある期間・出来事など〉を始める(off) «with, on»
e.g. they started their married life.
cost at least a specified amount:
〖start+副詞〗 (ある地点・数量などから)始まる, 開始する (!〖副詞〗は主に起点の表現)
e.g. fees start at around $300.
2. with object cause (an event or process) to happen:
(意図的に)〈事・火事など〉を起こす, 始めさせる, 発生させる(off)
e.g. two men started the blaze that caused the explosion
e.g. those women started all the trouble.
e.g. I'm starting a campaign to get the law changed.
cause (a machine) to begin to work:
〈機械・車〉を運転させる, 始動させる, 動かす
e.g. we had trouble starting the car
e.g. he starts up his van.
no object (of a machine or device) begin operating or being used:
〈機械・車が〉始動する, 動き出す
e.g. the noise of a tractor starting up
e.g. there was a moment of silence before the organ started.
cause or enable (someone or something) to begin doing or pursuing something:
〖start A doing〗 Aに…させ始める
e.g. his father started him off in business
e.g. what he said started me thinking.
give a signal to (competitors) to start in a race.
3. no object give a small jump or make a sudden jerking movement from surprise or alarm:
«…から» (思わず)飛び上がる «from» ; (恐怖などで) «…に» びくっ[ぎょっ]とする «at» (!命令形にしない)
e.g. “Oh my!” she said, starting.
literary move or appear suddenly:
e.g. she had seen Meg start suddenly from a thicket.
(of eyes) bulge so as to appear to burst out of their sockets:
〈液体・涙などが〉勢いよく[急に]出る; 〈目が〉(驚いて)飛び出しそうになる(up).
e.g. his eyes started out of his head like a hare's.
〈部品など〉をゆるませる, はずす
e.g. the mortar in the joints had started.
with object rouse (game) from its lair.

noun usually in singular
1. the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning:
〖通例単数形で〗 «…への» 出発, スタート «to» ; 【活動などの】開始, 始まり «of» ; 〖the ~〗 開始[出発]点
e.g. he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year
e.g. the event was a shambles from start to finish
e.g. his bicycle was found close to the start of a forest trail.
the point or moment at which a race begins.
〖the ~〗 (競走の)スタート地点, スタートライン; Cスタートの合図
an act of beginning to do or deal with something:
〖単数形で〗【事の】開始, 着手; やり始める事 «on»
e.g. I can make a start on cleaning up
e.g. an early start enabled us to avoid the traffic.
used to indicate that a useful initial contribution has been made but that more remains to be done:
e.g. if he would tell her who had put him up to it, it would be a start.
a person's position or circumstances at the beginning of their life, especially a position of advantage:
(ある時間・距離の)先行 «on»
e.g. she's anxious to give her baby the best start in life.
an advantage consisting in having set out in a race or on journey earlier than one's rivals or opponents:
〖通例単数形で〗 «…に対する» 有利な位置[状況]
e.g. he would have a ninety-minute start on them.
〖通例単数形で〗(驚きなどで)飛び上がること, びくっ[ぎょっ]とすること; ⦅くだけて⦆ ぎょっとするような出来事
e.g. she awoke with a start
e.g. the woman gave a nervous start.

informal used to tell someone not to grumble or criticize:
e.g. don't start—I do my fair share.

informal used to introduce or emphasize the first or most important of a number of considerations:
e.g. this side is at an advantage—for a start, there are more of them.

begin a task, endeavor, or process:
e.g. for an art gallery owner, Naples was a good place to get started.

dated gain an advantage over.

conceive one's first child.

informal cause trouble.

at the beginning of a series of events or period of time:
e.g. she wasn't very keen on the idea to start with.
as the first thing to be taken into account:
e.g. to start with, I was feeling down.

chiefly British abandon what one is doing and make a new beginning:
e.g. while I was writing this essay my computer froze and I had to start again.

start in informal
begin doing something, especially talking:
e.g. people groan when she starts in about her acting ambitions.
(start in on) North American begin to do or deal with:
e.g. you vacuum the stairs and I'll start in on the laundry.
(start in on) North American attack verbally; begin to criticize:
e.g. before you start in on me, let me explain.

begin (or cause someone or something to begin) working, operating, or dealing with something:
e.g. treatment should start off with attention to diet
e.g. what started you off on this search?
(start off) begin a meal:
e.g. she started off with soup.

1. begin to work on or deal with:
e.g. I'm starting on a new book.
2. informal begin to talk to someone, especially in a critical or hostile way:
e.g. she started on about my not having nice furniture.

make a new beginning:
e.g. could you face going back to school and starting over?

embark on a venture or undertaking, especially a commercial one:
e.g. the company will start out with a hundred employees.

Old English styrtan‘to caper, leap’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stortenpush’ and German stürzenfall headlong, fling’. From the sense ‘sudden movement’ arose the sense ‘initiation of movement, setting out on a journey’ and hence ‘beginning of a process, etc.’.