verb with object
⦅かたく⦆ 【眠り・昏睡(こんすい)などから】 «眠り・昏睡などから» (こんすい)〈人〉を起こす, 目覚めさせる «from, out of» (!日常語では
wake someone up)
e.g. she was roused from a deep sleep by a hand on her shoulder.
e.g. she roused and looked around.
«…するように» 〈人〉を元気づける «to do» ; 【良くない状態から/活動状態へ】〈人〉を奮起させる «from/to» ; 〖~ oneself〗 奮起する
e.g. once the enemy camp was roused, they would move on the castle
e.g. she'd just stay a few more minutes, then rouse herself and go back.
〖通例be ~d〗 怒る, 興奮する
e.g. the crowds were roused to fever pitch by the drama of the race.
e.g. his evasiveness roused my curiosity.
e.g. rouse the beer as the hops are introduced.
e.g. rouse the cable out.