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⦅かたく⦆ 〈人・物などが〉〈注意・関心〉を引く, 引きつける(→
e.g. he plowed on, trying to outline his plans and engage Sutton's attention.
〖engage A in B〗 A〈人〉をB〈会話・議論など〉に引き込む, 加える
e.g. they attempted to engage Anthony in conversation.
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖engage in [on, upon] A〗 〈人が〉A〈行為など〉を行う, Aに携わる, 関係する, 参加[従事]する
e.g. organizations engage in a variety of activities
e.g. some are actively engaged in crime.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉(よりよい理解のために) 【事・人々などに】かかわる, ふれあう «with»
e.g. the teams needed to engage with local communities.
⦅かたく⦆ «…するために/…として» 〈人など〉を雇用する «to do/as» (!専門職を臨時に雇うことを含意; →
e.g. he was engaged as a trainee copywriter.
⦅やや古⦆ ; 〖~ to do/that節〗 〈人が〉…すると[…ということを]誓約[保証, 請け負い]する.
e.g. he engaged to pay them $10,000 against a bond.
e.g. he had engaged a small sailboat.
«…と» 〈歯車などが〉かみ合う «with»
e.g. no object : the clutch will not engage
e.g. with object : he engaged the gears and pulled out into the road.
〘フェンシング〙 〈剣〉を組み合わせる
⦅かたく⦆ 〈敵〉と交戦する, 〈味方〉を交戦させる.
e.g. tank and infantry units engaged the enemy.