generated at

point 取っておく
reserve: ある目的のために席・場所などを取っておくこと
keep: 商品などを取り置きする場合
save: 物を使ったり捨てたりしないで置いておく場合

verb with object
refrain from using or disposing of (something); retain for future use: (何かの)使用や処分を控える; 将来の使用のために保持する
〈人が〉 【特定の人・目的などのために】…を取っておく, 別にしておく(set aside) «for» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. roll out half the dough and reserve the other half.: 生地の半分を出し、もう半分をとっておく
arrange for (a room, seat, ticket, etc.) to be kept for the use of a particular person and not given to anyone else: (部屋、座席、チケットなどを)ある人のために取っておいて他の誰にも与えないために手はずを整える
〈人が〉〈切符・部屋・席など〉を予約する(⦅英⦆ book)
e.g. a place was reserved for her in the front row.: 彼女のために前列の場所が予約された。
retain or hold (an entitlement to something), especially by formal or legal stipulation: 特に正式な、法的な契約で(何かに対する資格を)保持する
⦅かたく⦆ 〈権利など〉を保有する (!注意書きや文書などによく用いられる)
e.g. with object and infinitive : the editor reserves the right to edit letters.: その編集者は文面を編集する権利を保有する。
refrain from delivering (a judgment or decision) immediately or without due consideration or evidence: (判決や決定)を即座に、もしくは相応の考慮や証拠なしに述べるのを控える
〈人が〉〈判断・批評など〉を差し控える, 保留する
e.g. I'll reserve my views on his ability until he's played again.: 私は彼がもう一度プレイするまでずっと彼の能力について自分の意見を差し控えるだろう。
(reserve something for) use or engage in something only in or at (a particular circumstance or time): (ある状況や時間)にのみ何かを使う、従事する
e.g. Japanese food has been presented as expensive and reserved for special occasions.: 日本食は高級品として提供されてきて特別な機会にだけ出されてきた。
(in church use) retain (a portion of the consecrated elements) after mass for communion of the sick or as a focus for devotion.

1. (often reserves) a supply of a commodity not needed for immediate use but available if required:
e.g. Australia has major coal, gas, and uranium reserves.
funds kept available by a bank, company, or government:
e.g. the foreign exchange reserves.
a part of a company's profits added to capital rather than paid as a dividend.
2. a force or body of troops kept back from action to reinforce or protect others, or additional to the regular forces and available in an emergency.
a member of the military reserve.
3. an extra player who is a possible substitute in a team.
(the reserves) the second-string team.
4. a place set aside for special use.
an area designated as a habitat for an indigenous people.
a protected area for wildlife.
5. a lack of warmth or openness in manner or expression:
e.g. she smiled and some of her natural reserve melted.
qualification or doubt attached to some statement or claim:
e.g. she trusted him without reserve.
6. short for reserve price.
7. (in the decoration of ceramics or textiles) an area that still has the original color of the material or the color of the background.

unused and available if required:
e.g. the platoon that had been kept in reserve.

reservable adjective

Middle English: from Old French reserver, from Latin reservarekeep back’, from re-back’ + servare ‘to keep’.