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1. attributive of, based on, or concerned with the law:
〖名詞の前で〗法律の, 法律に関する; 法律家としての, 弁護士の
e.g. the American legal system.
〖名詞の前で〗法定の, 法律によって定められた; 法律上の
e.g. a legal requirement.
Law recognized by common or statutory law, as distinct from equity.
〘法〙 (エクイティ(衡平法)ではなく)コモンロー[慣習法]で認められた
relating to theological legalism.
2. permitted by law:
法律で認められた, 適法の, 合法的な(⦅かたく⦆ lawful)(↔ illegal, ⦅かたく⦆ unlawful)
e.g. he claimed that it had all been legal.
3. US (of paper) measuring 8 ½ by 14 inches:
⦅米⦆ = legal-size.
e.g. a yellow legal pad.

late Middle English (in the sense ‘to do with Mosaic law’): from French, or from Latin legalis, from lex, leg-law’. Compare with loyal.