[*** \mathrm{supply}^1] |səˈplī|
〖supply (A with) B/B(to [for] A)〗 (A〈人・場所など〉に)B〈物〉を供給する, 提供する
e.g. the farm supplies apples to cider makers.
e.g. they struggled to supply the besieged island with aircraft.
⦅かたく⦆ 〈損失・欠如など〉を補う, 埋める; 〈必要など〉を満たす
e.g. the two reservoirs supply about 1% of the city's needs.
⦅古⦆ 〈地位など〉を代わって務める
e.g. when she died, no one could supply her place.
供給量; 蓄え, 在庫
e.g. there were fears that the drought would limit the exhibition's water supply.
e.g. the deal involved the supply of forty fighter aircraft.
〘経〙 供給
〖-plies; しばしば複合語で〗生活物資; 必需品, 用品
⦅英⦆ 〖-plies〗(国の)歳出
代理, 代行
e.g. a supply ship.
not easily obtainable; scarce:
e.g. he meant to go, but time and gas were in short supply.
the amount of a commodity, product, or service available and the desire of buyers for it, considered as factors regulating its price:
e.g. by the law of supply and demand the cost of healthcare will plummet.
[*** \mathrm{supply}^2] |ˈsəp(ə)lē|
variant spelling of supplely (see