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1. a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress:
(心配・恐怖などが去った)安堵(あんど)(感), 安心
e.g. much to her relief, she saw the door open.
a cause of or occasion for relief:
⦅ややくだけて⦆ «…にとって» ほっとさせるもの, 気晴らしになるもの «for, to» ; «…からの» 救いとなるもの «from» (!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う)
e.g. it was a relief to find somewhere to stay.
【苦痛・苦悩などの】除去, 緩和 «from, of»
e.g. tablets for the relief of pain.
a temporary break in a generally tense or tedious situation:
e.g. the comic characters aren't part of the plot but just light relief.
2. assistance, especially in the form of food, clothing, or money, given to those in special need or difficulty:
(被災者などの)救済; 救援金, 物資
⦅主に米⦆ (貧民・失業者などへの)給付金, 生活保護手当(⦅英⦆ benefit)
e.g. raising money for famine relief
e.g. as modifier : relief workers.
e.g. people who donate money to charity will receive tax relief.
chiefly Law the redress of a hardship or grievance.
the action of raising the siege of a besieged town:
⦅かたく⦆ ; 〖the ~〗 (包囲された町などの)解放, 救援.
e.g. the relief of Mafeking.
3. a person or group of people replacing others who have been on duty:
〖単複両扱い〗(任務の)交代要員, 代行者; U交代; 〖形容詞的に〗交代, 代理の
e.g. as modifier : the relief nurse was late.
〘野球〙 救援投手
4. the state of being clearly visible or obvious due to being accentuated in some way:
«…に対する» 際立ち, 鮮明な対照 «against»
e.g. the setting sun threw the snow-covered peaks into relief.
〘美〙 ; 浮き彫り, レリーフ
a piece of sculpture in relief.
浮き彫り作品, 細工
a representation of relief given by an arrangement of line or color or shading.
Geography difference in height from the surrounding terrain; the amount of variation in elevation and slope in a particular area. via French from Italian rilievo, from rilevareraise’, from Latin relevare.
〘地〙 (土地の)高低, 起伏

1. Art carved, molded, or stamped so as to stand out from the surface.
2. Baseball acting as a replacement pitcher.

chiefly North American receiving government assistance because of need.