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verb with object
〈人が〉 【束縛・苦痛などから】〈人・動物〉を解き放す, 自由にする; «…から» …を救出する «from» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the government announced that the prisoners would be released.
2. allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人が〉〈握っているものなど〉を放す; 〈爆弾など〉を投下する; 〈ミサイルなど〉を発射する
e.g. she released his arm and pushed him aside
〈物が〉〈化学物質・熱など〉を放出する, 放つ
e.g. growth hormone is released into the blood during the first part of sleep.
remove restrictions or obligations from (someone or something) so that they become available for other activity:
e.g. the strategy would release forces for service in other areas.
remove (part of a machine or appliance) from a fixed position, allowing something else to move or function:
〈人が〉〈固定された装置など〉をはずす, 解く
e.g. he released the handbrake.
allow (something) to return to its resting position by ceasing to put pressure on it:
e.g. press and release the reset button quickly.
〈人などが〉〈ニュース・情報など〉を公表, 公開する
e.g. no details about the contents of the talks were released.
〈人などが〉〈CD・本など〉を発売する; 〈映画など〉を封切りする
e.g. nine singles and one album had been released.
4. Law remit or discharge (a debt).
〘法〙 〈権利など〉を放棄する
make over (property or money) to another person or entity.

1. the action or process of releasing or being released:
〖単数形で〗 «…からの» 解放, 釈放, 退院; 救出 «from» ; 解除
e.g. a campaign by the prisoner's mother resulted in his release.
a handle or catch that releases part of a mechanism.
2. the action of making a movie, recording, or other product available for general viewing or purchase:
(CDなどの)発売, リリース; 新譜; (映画の)封切り
e.g. the film was withheld for two years before its release.
a movie or other product issued for viewing or purchase:
e.g. his current album release has topped the charts for six months.
3. Law the action of releasing property, money, or a right to another.
a document effecting a release of property, money, etc.

releasable adjective
releaser |rəˈlēsər| noun

Middle English: from Old French reles (noun), relesser (verb), from Latin relaxarestretch out again, slacken’ (see relax).