generated at

point 命令する
order, command: 立場が上にある者が, その優位を生かして他人に命ずること
direct: 〘かたい〙 語で, 警察などが公式な命令・指示を出すこと
tell: 他人に対し, その人がするべきことをするよう指示する日常語

1. reporting verb give an authoritative order:
〖command A to do〗 A〈人〉に…するよう命ずる, 命令する
e.g. with object and infinitive : a gruff voice commanded us to enter
⦅書⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と命令する, 命ずる
e.g. with direct speech : “Stop arguing!” he commanded
〖command that節〗 …することを命ずる
e.g. with clause : he commanded that work should cease
〈しかるべき立場にある人が〉…を命令する, 命じる, 要求する (!権限を持った人が, 従わなければ罰することを前提とした命令を出すこと)
e.g. with object : my mother commands my presence.
with object Military have authority over; be in charge of (a unit):
〘軍〙 〈部隊など〉を指揮する; 〈軍隊・国が〉〈場所〉を制する, 支配する(rule)
e.g. he commanded a battalion at Normandy.
with object archaic control or restrain (oneself or one's feelings):
制する, 支配する(control) (!進行形・受け身にしない)
e.g. he commanded himself with an effort.
2. with object dominate (a strategic position) from a superior height:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈場所・建物などが〉〈風景など〉を見渡す, 見下ろす; 〈要害の地〉を占める (!進行形・受け身にしない)
e.g. the two castles commanded the harbor.
3. with object be in a strong enough position to have or secure (something):
(しかるべくして)〈尊敬・注目・支持など〉を受ける, 集める; 〈高額・高値〉に値する (!進行形・受け身にしない)
e.g. no party commanded a majority
e.g. a moral force that commanded respect.

«…せよという/…という» 命令, 指令 «to do/that節»
e.g. it's unlikely they'll obey your commands.
Computing an instruction or signal that causes a computer to perform one of its basic functions.
〘コンピュ〙 (コンピュータへの)コマンド
authority, especially over armed forces:
(集団の)指揮(権), 統率; (状況などの)掌握, 支配
e.g. an officer took command
e.g. who's in command?
e.g. we will have nearly thirty thousand people under our command.
in singular the ability to use or control something:
〖時にa ~〗 【特に語学などの】運用力, 自由に使える力; 【自分の感情を】抑制[把握]する力, 【状況を】把握する力; 【金銭を】自由に使うこと «of»
e.g. he had a brilliant command of English.
treated as singular or plural Military a group of officers exercising control over a particular group or operation.
司令部; (…)部隊
Military a body of troops or a district under the control of a particular officer.
〖時にC-〗〘軍〙 管轄の部隊[区域]

at someone's disposal; available:
e.g. he had at his command a vast number of ready-made phrases.

Middle English: from Old French comander ‘to command’, from late Latin commandare, from com- (expressing intensive force) + mandarecommit, command’. Compare with commend.