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relating to or believing in a religion:
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗宗教の, 宗教に関する〈物・事〉
e.g. both men were deeply religious, intelligent, and moralistic
e.g. religious music.
(of a belief or practice) forming part of someone's thought about or worship of a divine being:
〈人が〉信仰心の強い, 敬虔(けいけん)な(↔ irreligious)
e.g. he has strong religious convictions.
belonging or relating to a monastic order or other group of people who are united by their practice of religion:
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗修道(会)の.
e.g. religious houses were built on ancient pagan sites.
treated or regarded with a devotion and scrupulousness appropriate to worship:
⦅かたく⦆ 〖通例名詞の前で〗良心的な; 細心の, 厳正な〈注意など〉
e.g. I have a religious aversion to reading manuals.

noun (plural same)
修道士, 修道女

religiousness |rəˈlijəsnəs| noun