generated at
point 誓う
swear, swear an oath: 正式にまたは宣誓して誓うこと.
vow: 公にまたはおごそかに誓うこと.
pledge: 特に重責を担う個人・団体・政府機関などが人に固く約束すること.

«…する/…の» (神かけての)誓い, 誓約 «to do/of»
(vows) a set of promises committing one to a prescribed role, calling, or course of action, typically to marriage or a monastic career.
〖通例~s〗 (結婚や修道生活に入るに際して行う)誓い, 誓約

1. reporting verb solemnly promise to do a specified thing:
⦅かたく・主に文⦆ ; 〖~ to do/(to A) (that)節〗 …すると, (A〈人〉に)…ということを誓う, 誓約する; ⦅かたく⦆ …を誓う
e.g. with clause : he vowed that his government would not tolerate a repeat of the disorder
⦅書 ⦆ 〖直接話法〗…と誓う
e.g. with direct speech : one fan vowed, “I'll picket every home game.”.
2. with object archaic dedicate to someone or something, especially a deity:
⦅かたく・古⦆ (誓いを立てて) «…に» …をささげる «to»
e.g. I vowed myself to this enterprise.

Middle English: from Old French vou, from Latin votum (see vote); the verb is from Old French vouer.