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source: [世話やきキツネの仙狐さん 雪に飛び込む仙狐さん|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 3679976]

verb (past dived or dove | dōv | ; past participle dived) no object
1. with adverbial of direction plunge head first into water:
〈人などが〉 «水中などに/…から» (頭を先に)飛び込む(in, off) «into/from, off»
e.g. she walked to the deep end, then she dived in
e.g. he dived off the bridge for a bet.
(of a fish, a submarine, or a vessel used for underwater exploration) go to a deeper level in water:
e.g. the fish dive down to about 1,400 feet and then swim southwest.
〈人などが〉水に潜る, ダイビングする
e.g. he had been diving in the area to test equipment.
2. (of an aircraft or bird) plunge steeply downward through the air:
〈鳥・飛行機などが〉 «…めがけて» 急降下する; 落ちる «on, to»
e.g. the aircraft dove for the ground to avoid the attack.
move quickly or suddenly in a specified direction:
〖~+副詞〗 〈人などが〉(身を躍らせて)飛びつく; 突進する, 駆け込む, 飛び込む (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現)
e.g. a bullet passed close to his head and he dived for cover
e.g. (as adjective diving) : he attempted a diving catch.
⦅報道⦆ 〈株価・利益・数字などが〉急落する
e.g. profits before tax dived by 61 percent.
informal put one's hand quickly into something, especially a pocket or purse, in order to find something:
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈人などが〉 【ポケット・かばんなどの中に】手を突っ込む «into»
e.g. she dived into her bag and extracted a card.
Soccer, informal (of a player) deliberately fall when challenged in order to deceive the referee into awarding a foul.
〘サッカー〙 ダイブする

1. a plunge head first into water:
e.g. he hit the sea in a shallow dive
e.g. a high dive.
an instance of swimming or going deeper under water:
ダイビング; 潜水
e.g. divers should have a good intake of fluid before each dive.
2. a steep descent by an aircraft or bird:
e.g. the jumbo jet went into a dive. See also nosedive.
a sudden movement in a specified direction:
突進, 駆け込み
e.g. she made a dive for the fridge to quench her raging thirst.
e.g. an 11 percent dive in profits.
Soccer, informal a deliberate fall by a player, intended to deceive the referee into awarding a foul.
〘サッカー〙 ダイブ〘ファウルをとるためにわざと倒れること〙
3. (also dive bar) informal a shabby or sleazy bar or similar establishment:
⦅くだけて⦆ (いかがわしい)バー, 安酒場.
e.g. he got into a fight in some dive
e.g. a detective story set in the smoky clubs and dive bars of 1940s Los Angeles.

Boxing pretend to be knocked out.
(of prices, hopes, fortunes, etc.) fall suddenly:
e.g. profits could take a dive as easily as they could soar
e.g. her reputation took a dive from which it has not recovered.

help oneself to food.

occupy oneself suddenly and enthusiastically with (a meal, or an engrossing subject or activity): dive into a barbecued beef burrito.

Old English dūfandive, sink’ and dȳfanimmerse’, of Germanic origin; related to deep and dip.