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in- + let(verb)
inlet (1200-1300) Because it lets water in

1. a small arm of the sea, a lake, or a river.: 海、湖、川の小さな河口
入り江; 瀬戸
2. a place or means of entry: 入る場所、入る方法
供給用パイプ, 注ぎ口, 引き入れ口 (↔ outlet)
e.g. an air inlet.: 給気口
e.g. a water inlet: 給水管
3. (chiefly in tailoring and dressmaking) an inserted piece of material.: (主に仕立てやドレスメーキングで)差し込まれた生地

Middle English (denoting admission): from in + the verb let1.