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the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun:
〖通例単数形で〗潮(の干満), 潮汐
e.g. the changing patterns of the tides
e.g. they were driven on by wind and tide.
the water as affected by the tide:
e.g. the rising tide covered the wharf.
〖通例単数形で〗(意見などの)形勢, 傾向; (歴史などの)流れ, 時流
e.g. he drifted into sleep on a tide of euphoria
⦅否定的に⦆ 〖単数形で〗(犯罪・失業などの)大波, 風潮; (大勢の人の)流れ, 人波
e.g. he could not control the growing tide of violence.

verb no object
archaic drift with or as if with the tide.
(of a ship) float or drift in or out of a harbor by taking advantage of favoring tides.

reverse the trend of events: the air power that helped to turn the tide of battle.

tide someone over
help someone through a difficult period, especially with financial assistance: she needed a small loan to tide her over.

tideless | ˈtīdləs | adjective

Old English tīdtime, period, era’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tijd and German Zeit, also to time. The sense relating to the sea dates from late Middle English.