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set someone up

set someone up
1. establish someone in a particular capacity or role:
«…において/…として» 一本立ちする, 独立する, 商売を始める «in/as»
e.g. his father set him up in business.
informal arrange a meeting between one person and another, with the aim of encouraging a romantic relationship between them:
⦅くだけて⦆ A〈2人〉を(恋愛関係になるよう)引き合わせる; «…と» A〈人〉を会わせる «with»
e.g. Todd tried to set her up with one of his friends.
2. restore or enhance the health of someone:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ 〈食物・睡眠が〉A〈人〉を元気にする; A〈人〉の健康を回復させる
e.g. after my operation the doctor recommended a cruise to set me up again.
3. informal make an innocent person appear guilty of something:
⦅くだけて⦆ A〈人〉にぬれぎぬを着せる (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. suppose Zielinski had set him up for Ingram's murder?