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1. a thing intended; an aim or plan:
意図したもの, 狙い, 目的; 〖~s〗 心構え, 態度
e.g. she was full of good intentions
e.g. with infinitive : Ukraine and Kazakhstan have both declared their intention to be nuclear-free.
the action or fact of intending:
«…する/…という» 意図, 意向, 意志, つもり «of doing, to do/that節»
e.g. intention is just one of the factors that will be considered.
(one's intentions) a person's designs, especially a man's, in respect to marriage:
⦅話・古⦆〖~s〗 結婚の意志
e.g. if his intentions aren't honorable, I never want to see him again.
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