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verb with object
〈人が〉〈方法など〉を考え出す, 案出する, 工夫する; …を計画する; 〈機械など〉を考案, 発明する
e.g. a training program should be devised
e.g. a complicated game of his own devising.
2. Law leave (real estate) to someone by the terms of a will.
〘法〙 «…に» 〈不動産など〉を遺贈する «to»

noun Law
a clause in a will leaving something, especially real estate, to someone.
〘法〙 ; U遺贈; 遺贈財産; C遺贈文言

devisable | dəˈvīzəb(ə)l | adjective
devisee | dəˌvīˈzē | noun
devise (sense 2 of the verb)
deviser | dəˈvīzər, dēˈvīzər | noun
devisor | dəˈvīzər | noun
devise (sense 2 of the verb)

Middle English: the verb from Old French deviser, from Latin divis-divided’, from the verb dividere (this sense being reflected in the original English sense of the verb); the noun is a variant of device (in the early sense ‘will, desire’).