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adjective (likelier, likeliest)
1. such as well might happen or be true; probable: 起こりそうな、本当になりそうな; 起こりそうな
〈物・事が〉十分ありそうな, 起こりそうな, 有望な(↔ improbable); 〖it is ~ that節〗 おそらく…だろう(→ likely形容詞1)
e.g. it was likely that he would make a televised statement: 彼はおそらくテレビ放送される声明を出すだろう。
e.g. sales are likely to drop further: 売上はさらに落ちるだろう。
e.g. the likely effects of the drought on sugar beet yields.: テンサイの収穫高に干ばつの起こりそうな影響
2. apparently suitable; promising: たぶん適切な; 有望な
e.g. a likely-looking spot.: 見るのに適した地点

probably: おそらく
e.g. we will most likely go to a bar.: 私達はバーに行くのが最も可能性が高いだろう。

used to express disbelief of an account or excuse:
e.g. Gone running, has he? A likely story!

e.g. I won't take their pills, because as likely as not they'd poison me.

informal certainly not; I refuse:
e.g. “Are you going home?” “Not likely!”.