verb (past and past participle
shot |SHät| )
〈人が〉(銃で)〈人・動物〉を撃つ, 撃って傷つける, 撃ち殺す; 〖~ A C〗 A〈人〉を撃ってC〈状態〉にする (!Cは〖形容詞〗, 前置詞句) ; 〖~ A in the B〗 A〈人〉のB〈体の一部〉を撃つ
e.g. he was shot in the leg during an armed robbery
e.g. with object and complement : troops shot dead 29 people.
人が〉 «…めがけて» 撃つ, 射撃する; 〈銃が〉(銃弾を)発射する «at» (!shoot at Aは必ずしも命中したことを含意しない)
e.g. he shot at me twice
e.g. the troops were ordered to shoot to kill
«…に向けて/…を狙って/…から» 〈人が〉〈銃・銃弾〉を撃つ; …を発射[発砲]する, 〈弓・矢〉を射る; 〈銃が〉〈銃弾〉を発射する «into, toward, against/at/from»
e.g. with object : they shot a volley of arrows into the village.
e.g. Guy, shoot their hats off
e.g. they just missed my radiator and shot away my controls.
e.g. we go to Scotland to shoot every autumn.
e.g. at least 90 per cent of our hunting country is shot over.
〈鳥獣〉を撃つ, …の猟をする
e.g. Tom and her brothers were out shooting Ardfeochan.
〖~+副詞〗 〈人・物が〉飛び出す; 突き進む; 噴き出す (!〖副詞〗はout, across, past, along, up, throughなど方向の表現)
e.g. the car shot forward
e.g. Ward's hand shot out, grabbing his arm.
〖~ A+副詞〗 〈物〉をすばやく[さっと]動かす, 〈体の一部〉を突き出す; 〈花火・ロケットなど〉を打ち上げる (!〖副詞〗はout, up, in, alongなど方向の表現)
e.g. he would have fallen if Marc hadn't shot out a hand to stop him
e.g. Beauchamp shot United into the lead.
〖~ A at B/B A〗 B〈人〉にA〈質問・視線など〉を向ける (!受け身にしない)
e.g. with two objects : Luke shot her a quick glance
e.g. with direct speech : “I can't believe what I'm hearing,” she shot back.
⦅主に米話⦆ 〖しばしば命令形で〗言いたいことを言う
e.g. “May I just ask you one more question?” “Shoot.”.
〖~+副詞〗 〈痛みが〉 【体の部位を】(急激に・鋭く)襲う «through, along, up»
e.g. Claudia felt a shaft of pain shoot through her chest
e.g. figurative : a pang of regret shot through her.
〈子供が〉 «…まで» (短期間で)ぐんぐん伸びる[育つ], 大きくなる; 〈物価などが〉急に上がる[増加する]
e.g. a road that seemed to just shoot upward at a terrifying angle.
〈かんぬき〉を入れる[抜く], 〈鍵〉をかける, はずす
〘球技〙 (ゴールなどに)シュートする; 〘ゴルフ・ビリヤード〙 ボールを打つ
e.g. Williams twice shot wide
〘球技〙 【ゴールをめがけて】〈球〉をシュートする «at» , シュートして得点をあげる (!〖名詞〗の「サッカーなどでのシュート」は
e.g. with object : after school, we'd go straight out in the alley to shoot baskets.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〘ゴルフ〙 (競技会・ラウンドで)〈スコア〉を出す
e.g. in the second round he shot a 65.
⦅米・くだけて⦆ 〈球技〉を行う, …の競技を行う
〈場面など〉の写真を撮る; 〈映画〉を撮影する(
e.g. she has just been commissioned to shoot a video
(映画などを)撮影する, 撮影を始める
e.g. no object : point the camera and just shoot—nothing could be easier.
〈芽が〉出る(up, forth, straight) «to»
e.g. he shot dope into his arm.
新芽; 若葉; 若枝
e.g. he nipped off the new shoots that grew where the leaves joined the stems.
⦅主に英⦆ 狩猟; 狩猟旅行
e.g. a grouse shoot.
e.g. activities include a weekly rifle shoot.
e.g. a photo shoot
e.g. a fashion shoot.
4. variant spelling of
e.g. follow the portages that skirt all nine shoots of whitewater.
used as a euphemism for ‘shit’:
e.g. shoot, it was a great day to be alive.
see bolt1.
pull one's shirt cuffs out to project beyond the cuffs of one's jacket or coat.
informal react suddenly or without careful consideration of one's words or actions.
informal inadvertently make a situation worse for oneself.
informal engage in a decisive confrontation, typically a gun battle.
British informal describe something in an exaggerated, untruthful, or boastful way:
e.g. he never shot a line about his escapades.
informal talk boastfully or indiscreetly.
bring down an aircraft or missile by shooting at it:
e.g. their helicopter was shot down by an air-to-air missile.
kill or wound someone by shooting them, especially in a ruthless way:
e.g. troops shot down 28 demonstrators.
crush someone or their opinions by forceful criticism or argument:
e.g. she tried to argue and got shot down in flames for her trouble.
NZ informal leave, typically to escape from or avoid someone or something:
e.g. me wife's shot through and I can't pay the rent. 1940s: from shoot through like a Bondi tram.
1. (especially of a child) grow taller rapidly:
e.g. when she hit thirteen she shot up to a startling 5 foot 9.
(of a price or amount) rise suddenly.
2. see shoot someone/something up below.
1. cause great damage to something by shooting; kill or wound someone by shooting:
e.g. the police shot up our building.
2. (also shoot up) informal inject a narcotic drug; inject someone with a narcotic drug:
e.g. she went home and shot up alone in her room
e.g. shoot people up with the new chemical and see what happens
e.g. I was shooting up cocaine.