close: shutよりやや形式張って丁寧で、閉じた状態に重点
source: [Fate/stay nightの遠坂凛が睨みながら戸を開けるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
〈人が〉〈ドア・窓など〉を閉める, 〈目・口など〉を閉じる, 〈本など〉を閉じる(→
close1他動詞 1 ; ↔
e.g. shut the
window, please: 窓を締めてください
e.g. she shut her
lips tight: 彼女は唇をきつく閉じた。
e.g. (as adjective
shut) : she
slammed the door shut.: 彼女はそのドアをバタンと締めた。
〈ドアなどが〉閉まる; 〈口などが〉閉じる
e.g. the door shut behind him.: そのドアは彼の後ろで締まった。
e.g. he shut the box and locked it.: 彼はその箱を閉めて、それに鍵をかけた。
⦅英話⦆ 黙れ.
keep (someone or something) in a
place by
closing something such as a
door: ドアのようなもので閉めることによって(人・物を)場所に留める
«…に» 〈人など〉を閉じ込める(up) «in, into» ; «…から» 〈人など〉を閉め出す(out) «of, from» ;
e.g. it was his own dog that he had accidentally shut outside.: それが誤って外に締め出してしまった彼自身の犬でした。
e.g. he shut his book.: 彼は本を閉じた。
e.g. they ought to shut the path up to that terrible cliff.: 彼らはあの恐ろしい崖までの小道を遮断すべきだ。
⦅英・くだけて⦆ (閉店時間に・一時的に)〈店〉を閉める; 〈工場〉を閉鎖する (!⦅米⦆ では普通
closeを用いる) .
e.g. we shut the shop for lunch: 私達は昼食のために店を閉めた。
e.g. no object : the accident and emergency departments will shut.: 事故と危機管理部門は閉鎖されるだろう。
be (or get) shut of
informal be (or get) rid of: I'd be glad to be shut of him.
shut the door on (or to)
shut one's eyes to
shut one's mind to
shut the stable door after the horse has bolted
shut up shop
shut your face (or mouth or trap)!
informal used as a rude or angry way of telling someone to be quiet.
cease (or cause something to cease) business or operation: the plant's operators decided to shut down the reactor.
shut someone/something in
keep someone or something inside a place by closing something such as a door: her parents shut her in an upstairs room.
enclose or surround a place: the village is shut in by the mountains on either side.
trap something by shutting a door or drawer on it: you shut your finger in the door.
(used especially in relation to water, electricity, or gas) stop (or cause something to stop) flowing: he was about to shut off the power.
stop (or cause to stop) working: the engines shut off automatically.
(shut something off) block the entrances and exits of something: the six compartments were being shut off from each other.
shut oneself off
isolate oneself from other people.
shut someone/something out
keep someone or something out of a place or situation: the door swung closed behind them, shutting out some of the noise.
prevent an opponent from scoring in a game.
screen someone or something from view: clouds shut out the stars.
prevent something from occurring: there was a high-mindedness that shut out any consideration of alternatives.
block something such as a painful memory from the mind: anything he didn't like he shut out.
shut up (or shut someone up)
often in imperative informal stop (or cause someone to stop) talking: just shut up and listen | I lifted a finger slightly to shut him up.
shut something up
close all doors and windows of a building or room, typically because it will be unoccupied for some time.