〈人・動物などが〉 «…から/…に» (急いで・突然)跳びはねる «out of, from/towards» , «…に» 跳びかかる «at»
e.g. I sprang out of bed
e.g. figurative : they sprang to her defense.
〖~+副詞〗 〈物が〉急に[激しく]動く(back, up); 〖~ C〗 突然動いてC〈状態〉になる; 〈人・物が〉急に現れる(up)
e.g. the drawer sprang open.
e.g. no object : the engine sprang into life.
⦅くだけて⦆ «…から» 〈囚人・人質など〉を脱獄[脱出]させる «from» .
e.g. the president sought to spring the hostages.
⦅書⦆ «…に» 起因する «from»
e.g. madness and creativity could spring from the same source.
〈言葉などが〉 【頭・唇などに】すぐに思い浮かぶ[出てくる] «to» ; 〈感情・涙などが〉 【顔・目に】突然現れる[湧き出る] «to, into»
e.g. tears sprang from his eyes.
e.g. a terrible storm sprang up.
【人に対して】〈思いがけないこと〉をする[尋ねる, 言う] «on»
e.g. we decided to spring a surprise on them.
e.g. a fully sprung mattress.
⦅米・くだけて⦆ «…の» 代金を払う «for» .
e.g. he's never offered to spring for dinner.
e.g. he might spring a few pennies more.
〖時にS-; 通例無冠詞単数形またはthe ~〗 春, 春季 (!具体例ではa ~; その際しばしば修飾語を伴う) 〘通例北半球では3, 4, 5月, 南半球では9, 10, 11月; 天文学上は春分から夏至まで〙; 〖名詞の前で形容詞的に〗春の, 春季の, 春向きの
e.g. in spring the garden is a feast of blossom
e.g. as modifier : spring rain
e.g. figurative : he was in the spring of his years.
大潮〘満月と新月のころに潮の干満の差が最大になること; →
neap 〙
〖しばしば~s〗 (ベッド・自動車などに使われる)(コイル)ばね
はね返る力, 弾性; 〖a ~〗 (足の)ばね
e.g. the mattress has lost its spring.
〖a ~〗 (急に)跳ぶ[はねる]こと, 跳躍.
e.g. with a sudden spring, he leapt onto the table.
〖通例~s〗 泉, 水源地
e.g. as modifier : spring water.
e.g. the place was a spring of musical talent.
(of a boat or container) develop a leak. originally in nautical use, referring to timbers springing out of position.
cause a trap for catching animals to close suddenly.
trick someone into doing something:
e.g. she decided to spring the trap after noticing that her husband was behaving erratically.