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[*** \mathrm{stick}^1] | stik |

point STICK, ADHERE, COHERE, CLING, CLEAVE mean to become closely attached.
STICK implies attachment by affixing or by being glued together.
e.g. couldn't get the label to stick
ADHERE is often interchangeable with stick but sometimes implies a growing together.
e.g. antibodies adhering to a virus
COHERE suggests a sticking together of parts so that they form a unified mass.
e.g. eggs will make the mixture cohere
CLING implies attachment by hanging on with arms or tendrils.
e.g. clinging to a capsized boat
CLEAVE stresses strength of attachment.
e.g. the wet shirt cleaved to his back

1. a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut from a tree.
棒きれ, 木ぎれ; (切り取ったまたは離れ落ちた)小枝, 枯れ枝.
a long piece of wood used for support in walking or as a weapon with which to hit someone or something.
⦅主に英⦆ 杖(つえ), ステッキ(walking stick)
(in hockey, polo, and other games) a long implement, typically made of wood, with a head or blade of varying form that is used to hit or direct the ball or puck.
〘スポーツ〙 (ホッケーなどの)スティック; (競走用の)バトン
(sticks) (in field hockey) the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder.
usually with modifier a short piece of wood used to impale food:
〖しばしば複合語で〗(木・プラスチックでできた)棒, スティック
e.g. Popsicle sticks.
(the sticks) informal goalposts.
⦅話⦆ ; 〖the ~s〗 (サッカーの)ゴールポスト, (クリケットの)ウィケット(の柱)
Nautical, archaic a mast or spar.
⦅古⦆ 〘海〙 帆柱, 円材
⦅話⦆ 家具(の1点).
e.g. every stick of furniture just vanished.
2. a long, thin piece of something:
〖しばしば複合語で〗棒状の物[製品, 食品]
e.g. a stick of dynamite
e.g. cinnamon sticks.
(in extended and metaphorical use) a very thin person or limb:
やせっぽちの人; ⦅米俗⦆
e.g. the girl was a stick
e.g. her arms were like sticks.
〘楽〙 指揮棒, タクト(baton)
⦅主に米・くだけて⦆ (飛行機の)操縦桿(かん); (ゲームの)操作レバー(joystick); (自動車の)変速レバー(stick shift)
a number of bombs or paratroopers dropped rapidly from an aircraft.
a small group of soldiers assigned to a particular duty:
e.g. a stick of heavily armed guards.
informal a marijuana cigarette.
⦅やや古・俗⦆ マリファナタバコ
3. a threat of punishment or unwelcome measures (often contrasted with the offer of reward as a means of persuasion):
むち; 〖the ~〗 むち打ちの罰
e.g. training that relies more on the carrot than on the stick.
⦅英・くだけて⦆ 厳しい批判, 酷評, ののしり; (人に対する)ひどい仕打ち, 容赦ない扱い.
e.g. I took a lot of stick from the press.
4. (the sticks) informal, derogatory rural areas far from cities:
⦅米・くだけた話⦆ ; 〖the ~s〗 (都会から遠く離れた)いなか, 辺境; (森林地帯の)奥地, 辺境.
e.g. a small, dusty town out in the sticks.
5. with adjective informal, dated a person of a specified kind:
⦅英・やや古・くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例old ~〗 (…な)人, やつ; ⦅話⦆ のろま, でくのぼう, くそまじめな人
e.g. Janet's not such a bad old stick sometimes.

British informal pregnant.

sticklike | -ˌlīk | adjective

Old English sticcapeg, stick, spoon’, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch stekcutting from a plant’ and German Steckenstaff, stick’.

[*** \mathrm{stick}^2] | stik |
source: [アクセル・ワールドでイチゴにフォークを指すGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 705108]

verb (past and past participle stuck | stək | )
1. with object (stick something in/into/through) push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something): (何か)の中へ、通して尖った、鋭い物体を押す
«…に» 〈鋭利な物〉を刺す, 突き通す, 刺し込む(pierce) «in, into, through»
e.g. he stuck his fork into the sausage: 彼はそのソーセージにフォークを突き刺した。
e.g. the candle was stuck in a straw-covered bottle.: その蝋燭はわらで覆われたボトルの中に差し込まれた。
(stick something on) fix something on (a point or pointed object): (ある点や尖った物体)の上に何かを固定する
e.g. stick the balls of wool on knitting needles.: 毛玉を編み針に刺す
no object (stick in/into/through) (of a pointed object) be or remain fixed with its point embedded in (something): (尖った物体が)その(何か)の中に埋め込まれたポイントで固定される、されたままにする
e.g. there was a slim rod sticking into the ground beside me.: 私のそばの地面に突き刺さっている細い棒があった
stab or pierce with a sharp object: 鋭い物体を突き刺す、突き通す
e.g. (as adjective stuck) : he screamed like a stuck pig.: 彼は串刺しの豚のように叫んだ。
2. insert, thrust, or push: 挟み込む、押し付ける、押す
〈物・体の部分が〉 «…から» 突き出る, 伸びる, 飛び出す, 突っ立っている(out, up) «out of, from, through»
e.g. a youth with a cigarette stuck behind one ear: 耳の後ろにタバコを挟んだ若者
e.g. she stuck out her tongue at him.: 彼女は彼に向けて下を突き出した。
no object, with adverbial of direction protrude or extend in a certain direction: ある方向に突き出る、伸ばす
e.g. his front teeth stick out: 彼の前歯は突き出ている。
e.g. Sue's hair was sticking up at all angles.: スーの髪はすべての角度から突っ立っていた。
put somewhere, typically in a quick or careless way: どこかに置く、概して素早い、注意がない様で。
⦅くだけて⦆ «…に» (すばやく・無造作に)〈物〉を置く «in, on»
e.g. just stick that sandwich on my desk.: 私の机の上にあのサンドイッチをただ置く。
informal used to express angry dismissal of a particular thing: ある物事の怒った却下を表現するのに使われる
you/they can stick A: ⦅話⦆ A〈仕事など〉なんか誰がやるものか (!申し出を怒って断る場合の文句) .
e.g. he told them they could stick the job—he didn't want it anyway.: 彼は自分がどうしてもしたくなかったその仕事を彼らがやるものかと彼らにを伝えた。
informal cause to incur an expense or loss: 出費や損失を被ることを引き起こす
⦅話⦆ «…で» 〈人〉を困らせる, 【いやな事を】〈人〉に押しつける «with»
e.g. she stuck me for all of last month's rent.: 彼女は先月の賃料のすべてを私に押し付けた。
3. with object and adverbial of place fasten or cause to adhere to an object or surface: 物体や表面に留める、接着する事引き起こす
«…に» (のりなどで)〈紙など〉を貼り付ける «to, in, on»
e.g. she stuck the stamp on the envelope.: 彼女は封筒の上に切手を貼り付けた。
informal be or become convincing, established, or regarded as valid: 有効なものとして説得力のある、認められる、みなされる/ようになる
e.g. the authorities couldn't make the charges stick: その権威達はその非難が有効だとわからなかった。
e.g. the name stuck and Anastasia she remained.:
(in blackjack and similar card games) decline to add to one's hand.: (ブラックジャックや似たカードゲームにおいて)人の手札に追加するのを拒む
〘トランプ〙 これ以上カードを引かない
no object adhere or cling to a substance or surface: 物質や表面に付着する、しがみつく
e.g. the plastic seats stuck to my skin: そのプラスチックの座席は私の肌にくっついた。
e.g. if you heat the noodles in the microwave, they tend to stick together.: もし電子レンジでそのヌードルを温めたら、それらはくっつきやすくなる。
4. (be/get stuck) be fixed in a particular position or unable to move or be moved: ある位置に固定される、動かす、動かされることができない
〈物が〉(くっついて・引っかかって)動かない, はまり込む;
e.g. Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck: サラはその窓を開けようとしたがそれは動かなかった。
e.g. we got stuck in a traffic jam: 私達は渋滞にはまってしまった。
e.g. the cat's stuck up a tree.: その猫は木に張り付いた。
be or become fixed or jammed in one place as a result of an obstruction: 妨害の結果としてある場所に固定される、動かなくされる
e.g. he drove into a bog, where his wheels stuck fast.: 彼は彼の車輪がしっかりとはまった沼地に入った。
(be/get stuck) be unable to progress with a task or find the answer or solution to something: 仕事を進める、何かの答え、解決法を見つけることができない
e.g. I'm doing the crossword and I'm stuck.: 私はクロスワードをしていて、行き詰まっている。
remain in a static condition; fail to progress: 固定された状態に留まる; 進めることに失敗する
e.g. he lost a lot of weight but had stuck at 210 pounds.: 彼はかなり痩せたが、210ポンドにとどまっていた。
with adverbial of place informal be or remain in a specified place or situation, typically one perceived as tedious or unpleasant: ある場所や状況にいる、とどまる。概して人がうんざり、不快と知覚しているもの。
e.g. I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life.: 私は一生の全てを事務所に縛られたくない。
(be stuck for) be at a loss for or in need of: ~に困って、~を必要として
行き詰まって, にっちもさっちもいかなくなって; «…について» 思いあぐねて
e.g. I'm not usually stuck for words.: 私は普段は言葉に詰まることがない。
(be stuck with) informal be unable to get rid of or escape from: 取り除くこと、逃れることができない
⦅くだけて⦆ (不要だが捨てられなくて)A〈物〉をもっている, 持て余している.
e.g. like it or not, she and Grant were stuck with each other.: 好きだろうがそうでなかろうが、彼女とグラントはお互いを捨てきれずにいた。
(be stuck on) informal be infatuated with: ~に夢中になって
⦅くだけて⦆ A〈人・物〉にぞっこん/ほれこんで
e.g. he's too good for Jenny, even though she's so stuck on him.: たとえ彼女が彼にぞっこんであったとしても、彼はジェニーには良すぎる。
5. often with negative British informal accept or tolerate (an unpleasant or unwelcome person or situation): (不快な、歓迎されない人物や状況を)受け入れる、大目に見る
⦅英話・ぞんざいに⦆ 〖通例否定文で〗〈困難な状況・不快な人など〉に耐えられない, …を我慢できない(stand); 〖can't ~ A doing〗 A〈人〉が…することに耐えられない
e.g. I can't stick Geoffrey—he's a real old misery.: 私はジェフリーに耐えられない。彼は本当に不平ばかりいう老人だ。
(stick it out) informal put up with or persevere with something difficult or disagreeable.: 難しいこと、不愉快なことを我慢する、保つ

British informal start doing (something) enthusiastically or with determination:
e.g. we got stuck into the decorating.

allow nothing to deter one from achieving one's aim, however wrong or dishonest:
e.g. he would stick at nothing to preserve his privileges.

informal hands up! (spoken by a person threatening someone else with a gun).

be remembered clearly and for a long time:
e.g. one particular incident sticks in my mind.

be difficult or impossible to accept; be a source of continuing annoyance.
(of words) be difficult or impossible to say:
e.g. she couldn't say “Thank you”—the words stuck in her throat.

informal, chiefly North American treat (someone) harshly or severely.

British informal hit (someone).

informal risk incurring criticism or anger by acting or speaking boldly.

see mile.

see sore.

see gun.

(of food) be filling and nourishing:
e.g. a bowl of soup that will stick to your ribs.

informal remain in or near a place:
e.g. I'd like to stick around and watch the game.

informal persevere with (a task or endeavor) in a steady and determined way.

1. continue to support or be loyal to (someone), typically during difficult times:
e.g. I love him and whatever happens I'll stick by him.
2. adhere to (a commitment, belief, or rule):
e.g. I will stick by my promise to help them raise funds.

informal place the blame for a mistake or wrongdoing on (someone).

be extremely noticeable:
e.g. many important things had happened to him, but one stuck out.

refuse to accept less than (what one has asked for); persist in demanding (something):
e.g. they offered him a Rover but Vic stuck out for a Jaguar.

1. continue or confine oneself to doing or using (a particular thing):
e.g. I'll stick to bitter lemon, thanks.
not move or digress from (a path or a subject).
2. adhere to (a commitment, belief, or rule):
e.g. the government stuck to its election pledges.

informal remain united or mutually loyal:
e.g. we Europeans must stick together.

informal, chiefly North American rob someone or something at gunpoint.

support or defend (a person or cause).

stick with informal
1. persevere or continue with:
e.g. I'm happy to stick with the present team.
2. continue to support or be loyal to (someone), typically during difficult times:
e.g. there were no more than 35 of his colleagues who might be prepared to stick with him.

Old English stician, of Germanic origin; related to German stickenembroider’, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek stizein ‘to prick’, stigma ‘a mark’ and Latin instigarespur on’. Early senses included ‘pierce’ and ‘remain fixed (by its embedded pointed end’).