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接着剤, のり

verb (glues, gluing or glueing, glued) with object and adverbial
fasten or join with or as if with glue:
«…に» (接着剤で)〈複数の物〉をくっつける(together) «(on)to» ; (のりなどで)…を留める(down)
e.g. the wood is cut up into small pieces which are then glued together.
(be glued to) informal be paying very close attention to (something, especially a television or computer screen):
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例be ~ed〗 «…に» くぎ付けになる, くっついて離れない «to»
e.g. I was glued to the television when the Olympics were on.

gluelike |-ˌlīk| adjective
gluey |ˈɡlo͞oē| adjective

Middle English: from Old French glu (noun), gluer (verb), from late Latin glus, glut-, from Latin gluten.