generated at

with modifier an explosive device fitted into a specified object:
e.g. a package bomb. See also car bomb, letter bomb.
(the bomb) nuclear weapons considered collectively as agents of mass destruction:
〖the ~〗 原[水]爆, 核兵器
e.g. she joined the fight against the bomb.
(高圧ガスなどの)ボンベ; スプレー容器
e.g. the bug bombs we tried did not kill the cockroaches.
2. (also volcanic bomb) a lump of lava thrown out by a volcano.
3. (a bomb) British informal a large sum of money:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ 〖単数形で〗大金; 成功
e.g. it will cost a bomb in call charges.
4. informal a movie, play, or other event that fails badly.
⦅米・くだけて⦆ 〖通例単数形で〗(芝居・映画などの)失敗(作), 不人気ショー
an old car, especially a run-down one.
5. (the bomb or da bomb) US informal an outstandingly good person or thing:
⦅くだけて⦆ すごいやつ[こと]
e.g. the site would really be da bomb if its content were updated more frequently.
6. a long forward pass or hit in a ball game:
〘アメフト〙 ロングパス
e.g. a big 40-yard bomb down the middle to tight end Howard Cross.
7. informal a marijuana cigarette.
⦅俗⦆ 麻薬入りタバコ

1. with object attack (a place or vehicle) with a bomb or bombs:
…を爆破する, 爆撃する
e.g. London was bombed, night after night
e.g. (as noun bombing) : a series of bombings.
2. no object, with adverbial of direction British informal move very quickly:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ (乗り物で)ぶっ飛ばす(along)
e.g. the bus came bombing along.
3. no object informal (of a movie, play, or other event) fail miserably:
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈芝居・ショーなどが〉大失敗する, 不人気である(out)
e.g. a big-budget movie that bombed at the box office
e.g. he bombed out at several tournaments.

British informal be very well received:
e.g. those gigs we did went down a bomb.

informal used to describe a place that is extremely messy or untidy in appearance.

late 17th century: from French bombe, from Italian bomba, probably from Latin bombusbooming, humming’, from Greek bombos, of imitative origin.