source: [Fate/stay nightのセイバーが衛宮士郎を貫くGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE
verb with object
〈とがったものなどが〉〈物〉を刺す, 突き抜ける
e.g. a splinter had pierced the skin.
〈人・物が〉 【物に】〈穴〉をあける «in»
e.g. I had to pierce another hole in my belt.
e.g. (as adjective
pierced) : kids with pierced noses.
e.g. the dividing wall is pierced by arches and piers.
〈人が〉〈障害物〉を突き破る, 突破する
e.g. they were seeking to pierce the antiballistic-missile defenses
⦅文⦆ 〈音・光などが〉〈平穏さ〉を突き破る; 〈痛みが〉〈体〉を突き刺す
e.g. a shrill voice pierced the air.