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verb (stabs, stabbing, stabbed) with object
(of a person) thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to wound or kill:
〈人が〉 【刃物などで】〈人・物など〉を刺す, 突く «with»
e.g. he stabbed him in the stomach
e.g. (as noun stabbing) : the fatal stabbings of four rival gang members.
no object make a thrusting gesture or movement at something with a pointed object:
【物などに向けて】突き刺す; 突き立てる «at»
e.g. she stabbed at the earth with the fork
〈人が〉 «…へ向けて/…の中に» (勢いよく)〈指・とがった物など〉を向ける, 指す; 突きつける, 押し当てる «at, toward/into»
e.g. with object : she stabbed the air with her forefinger.
«…に» 〈物〉を突き刺す «into»
e.g. a sharp end of wicker stabbed into his sole.
no object (stab at) (of a pain or painful thing) cause a sudden sharp sensation:
【人の】心に突き刺さる «at»
e.g. (as adjective stabbing) : I felt a stabbing pain in my chest.

1. a thrust with a knife or other pointed weapon:
«…を» 刺すこと; «…への» ひと突き «at, in»
e.g. as modifier : multiple stab wounds.
a wound made by the thrust of a knife or other pointed weapon:
e.g. she had a deep stab in the back.
e.g. impatient stabs of his finger.
刺すような痛み; ⦅主に文⦆ (恐怖・失望などによる)突かれるような痛み
e.g. she felt a stab of jealousy.
(in popular music) a staccato interjected phrase, typically by horns or a keyboard:
e.g. the fuzz guitar riff is replaced by some slinky brass stabs.
2. (stab at) informal an attempt to do (something):
⦅くだけて⦆ ; 〖通例a ~〗 «…に対する» 試み, 挑戦 «at»
e.g. Meredith made a feeble stab at joining in.

a treacherous act or statement.

betray someone.

see dark.

stabber |ˈstabər| noun

late Middle English: of unknown origin.