generated at

1. a hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, found in pairs on the heads of cattle, sheep, goats, giraffes, etc. and consisting of a core of bone encased in keratinized skin.
〖通例~s〗 (牛・シカ・ヤギなどの)角
a woolly keratinized outgrowth, occurring singly or one behind another, on the snout of a rhinoceros.
a hornlike projection on the head of another animal, e.g., a snail's tentacle or the tuft of a horned owl.
(horns) archaic a pair of horns as an emblem of a cuckold.
⦅古⦆ ; 〖~s〗 (寝とられた夫の額に生えるという)角
2. the substance of which horns are composed:
e.g. powdered rhino horn.
a receptacle or instrument made of horn, such as a drinking container or powder flask.
角型の杯(drinking horn); 火薬を入れる容器(powder horn); 靴べら(shoehorn).
a raised projection on the pommel of a Western saddle:
e.g. slung from the horn of his saddle was a leather bag.
an arm or branch of a river or bay.
the extremity of the moon or other crescent.
4. a wind instrument, conical in shape or wound into a spiral, originally made from an animal horn (now typically brass) and played by lip vibration.
金管楽器〘トランペットなど〙; 動物の角で作られた笛.
short for French horn.
〖しばしばthe ~〗 〘楽〙 ホルン(French horn)
5. an instrument sounding a warning or other signal:
e.g. a car horn.

verb with object
(of an animal) butt or gore with the horns.
…を角で突く; 〖be ~ed〗 角が付く[生える]

North American informal talk boastfully about oneself or one's achievements.

become less assertive or ambitious.

North American informal on the telephone:
e.g. she got on the horn to complain.

faced with a decision involving equally unfavorable alternatives.

informal intrude or interfere.

hornist |-ist| noun
horn (sense 4 of the noun)
hornless |ˈhôrnləs| adjective
hornlike |-ˌlīk| adjective

Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch hoorn and German Horn, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin cornu and Greek keras.