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1. fixed, fastened, or closed firmly; hard to move, undo, or open:
〈ねじ・ふたなどが〉しっかりしまった, きつい; 〈結び目・握り方などが〉きつくて解けない, しっかりした
e.g. she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot.
(of clothes or shoes) close-fitting, especially uncomfortably so:
〈服・靴などが〉きつい, 窮屈な(↔ easy)
e.g. the dress was too tight for her.
(of a grip) very firm so as not to let go:
e.g. she released her tight hold on the dog
e.g. figurative : presidential advisers keep a tight grip on domestic policy.
(of a ship, building, or object) well sealed against something such as water or air:
e.g. in combination : a light-tight container.
2. (of a rope, fabric, or surface) stretched so as to leave no slack; not loose:
〈ひも・布地などが〉ぴんと張った(↔ slack)
e.g. the drawcord pulls tight.
(of muscles or skin) firm or taut:
e.g. he showed off his tight abs
e.g. the tight skin on your face may start to sag.
(of a part of the body or a bodily sensation) feeling painful and constricted, as a result of anxiety or illness:
(病気・心配で)〈体の一部(特に胸)が〉締めつけられるような, 苦しい
e.g. there was a tight feeling in his gut.
〈表情・声などが〉厳しい, こわばった
e.g. she gave him a tight smile.
〖通例名詞の前で〗厳しい, 厳重な〈統制・制限など〉
e.g. security was tight at yesterday's ceremony.
〈やり方・出来などが〉むだのない, きっちりした
e.g. a tight argument.
e.g. the vocalists are strong and the band is tight.
3. (of an area or space) having or allowing little room for maneuver:
〈空間が〉余裕のない, 密集した, すき間なく詰まった
e.g. a tight parking spot
e.g. it was a tight squeeze in the tiny vestibule.
〖通例名詞の前で〗急な, きつい〈カーブなど〉
(of money or time) limited or restricted:
〈予定・時間・状況などが〉余裕のない, せっぱ詰まった
e.g. David was out of work and money was tight
e.g. an ability to work to tight deadlines.
4. (of a formation or a group of people or things) closely or densely packed together:
e.g. he levered the bishop out from a tight knot of clerical wives.
(of a community or other group of people) having close relations; tight-knit:
〈集団・組織などが〉固く結びついた, 親密な
e.g. the tenants were far too tight to let anyone know.
5. (of a game or contest) with evenly matched competitors; very close:
〈試合などが〉接戦の, 互角の
e.g. he won in a tight finish.
6. British informal (of a person) not willing to spend or give much money; stingy.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈金・予算などが〉余裕のない, 金詰まりの; ⦅けなして⦆ 〈人が〉けちな, しまり屋の(tight-fisted, stingy)(↔ generous)
7. predicative informal drunk:
⦅やや古・くだけて⦆ ; 〖be ~〗 酔っ払って
e.g. later, at the club, he got tight on brandy.

〖主に動詞の後で〗しっかりと, きつく〈握る・閉じる・伸ばすなど〉; ぎっしりと, ぎゅうぎゅうに〈詰めるなど〉
e.g. he went downstairs, holding tight to the banisters.

be very strict in managing an organization or operation.

a tight corner (or spot or place)
a difficult situation:
e.g. her talent for talking her way out of tight corners.

Middle English (in the sense ‘healthy, vigorous’, later ‘firm, solid’): probably an alteration of thightfirm, solid’, later ‘close-packed, dense’, of Germanic origin; related to German dichtdense, close’.