〈ねじ・ふたなどが〉しっかりしまった, きつい; 〈結び目・握り方などが〉きつくて解けない, しっかりした
e.g. she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot.
e.g. the dress was too tight for her.
e.g. she released her tight hold on the dog
e.g. figurative : presidential advisers keep a tight grip on domestic policy.
e.g. in combination : a light-tight container.
e.g. the drawcord pulls tight.
e.g. he showed off his tight abs
e.g. the tight skin on your face may start to sag.
(病気・心配で)〈体の一部(特に胸)が〉締めつけられるような, 苦しい
e.g. there was a tight feeling in his gut.
〈表情・声などが〉厳しい, こわばった
e.g. she gave him a tight smile.
〖通例名詞の前で〗厳しい, 厳重な〈統制・制限など〉
e.g. security was tight at yesterday's ceremony.
〈やり方・出来などが〉むだのない, きっちりした
e.g. a tight argument.
e.g. the vocalists are strong and the band is tight.
〈空間が〉余裕のない, 密集した, すき間なく詰まった
e.g. a tight parking spot
e.g. it was a tight squeeze in the tiny vestibule.
〖通例名詞の前で〗急な, きつい〈カーブなど〉
〈予定・時間・状況などが〉余裕のない, せっぱ詰まった
e.g. David was out of work and money was tight
e.g. an ability to work to tight deadlines.
e.g. he levered the bishop out from a tight knot of clerical wives.
〈集団・組織などが〉固く結びついた, 親密な
e.g. the tenants were far too tight to let anyone know.
〈試合などが〉接戦の, 互角の
e.g. he won in a tight finish.
predicative informal drunk:
⦅やや古・くだけて⦆ ; 〖be ~〗 酔っ払って
e.g. later, at the club, he got tight on brandy.
〖主に動詞の後で〗しっかりと, きつく〈握る・閉じる・伸ばすなど〉; ぎっしりと, ぎゅうぎゅうに〈詰めるなど〉
e.g. he went downstairs, holding tight to the banisters.
be very strict in managing an organization or operation.
a difficult situation:
e.g. her talent for talking her way out of tight corners.