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point relationrelationsの違い

>While relation and relationship refer to the connection between two things, relation shades more toward the way things are connected, while relationship refers to the connection itself. The difference is not spacious.

1. the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected; a thing's effect on or relevance to another: 2つ以上の概念、物体、人々の繋がり方; つながりの効果もしくは別の人との関係性
«…間の/…との» 関係, 関連(connection) «between/to, with»
e.g. questions about the relation between writing and reality : 作品と現実との間の関係についての質問
e.g. the size of the targets bore no relation to their importance. : 目標の大きさはその重要性と無関係である
bear no relation to : 関連性がない、…と無関係である
(relations) the way in which two or more people, countries, or organizations feel about and behave toward each other:2つ以上の人や国、組織の互いへの考え方や振る舞い方
〖通例~s〗«国家・企業間などの/…との» (公式な)関係 «between/with»
e.g. establish diplomatic relations with North Korea : 北朝鮮と外交関係を結ぶ
e.g. the improvement in relations between the two countries : その二国間関係の改善
〖通例~s〗«人間同士などの/…との» 関係, 間柄, 仲 «between, among/with
e.g. the relations between husband and wife : 夫婦の間柄(折り合い).
e.g. the meetings helped cement Anglo-American relations.: そのミーティングはイギリス系アメリカ人の連帯を強固にするのに一役買った。
(relations) formal sexual intercourse : 性交渉、性的な関係
e.g. we had stopped having relations of any kind :
e.g. they can take vows of chastity, and give up sexual relations entirely. :
2. a person who is connected by blood or marriage; a kinsman or kinswoman: 血で繋がった人、婚姻によって繋がった人; 親類
親戚(関係), 親類(関係), 親族(relative)
she was no relation at all, but he called her Aunt Nora. : 彼女は全く繋がりがないが、彼は彼女のことをノラおばさんと呼んだ。
3. the action of telling a story. : 物語を話すこと
⦅かたく⦆ 〖具体例では可算〗話すこと; 話, 物語.

Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin relatio(n-), from referrebring back’ (see relate).