generated at

1. with object make (something) denser or more concentrated:
…を凝縮[濃縮, 圧縮]する; 〈液体・スープなど〉を濃くする
e.g. the limestones of the Jurassic age are condensed into a mere 11 feet.
express (a piece of writing or speech) in fewer words; make concise:
〈人が〉 «…に» 〈文章・話など〉を要約する, 短縮する «into, to»
e.g. he condensed the three plays into a three-hour drama.
2. change or cause to change from a gas or vapor to a liquid:
〈気体・蒸気などが〉(冷えて)液化する; «…に» 凝縮する «into» ; 〈液体が〉濃くなる
e.g. no object : the moisture vapor in the air condenses into droplets of water
«…に» 〈気体〉を液化する, 凝結させる «into, to»
e.g. with object : the cold air was condensing his breath.

condensable |kənˈdensəb(ə)l| adjective