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verb (undoes |-ˈdəz|, undoing; past undid; past participle undone) with object
1. unfasten, untie, or loosen (something):
〈ボタンなど〉をはずす; 〈ひも・結び目など〉をほどく, 緩める; 〈衣服など〉のボタンをはずす; 〈包みなど〉を開ける; 〈人〉の衣服のボタンをはずす
e.g. the knot was difficult to undo.
2. cancel or reverse the effects or results of (a previous action or measure):
〈なし終えたこと〉を元通りにする; 〈損害など〉を帳消しにする, 埋め合わせる; …を取り消す; 〈努力などの結果〉を台なしにする
e.g. there wasn't any way Evelyn could undo the damage.
cancel (the last one or more commands executed by a computer).
〘コンピュ〙 〈直前のコマンド〉を取り消す
3. formal cause the downfall or ruin of:
⦅かたく⦆ 〈人〉を破滅[零落]させる(→ undone)
e.g. Iago's hatred of women undoes him.

a feature of a computer program that allows a user to cancel or reverse the last one or more commands executed.

Old English undōn(see un-2, do1).