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un-とin-の両方の接頭辞を伴う派生語の場合, un-は「無関係」, in-は「非難」を表すことがある.
たとえばunmoral「道徳と無関係な」に対して, immoral「道徳に反する」
ところが, un-とnon-の両方の接頭辞を伴う派生語では, un-が「非難」, non-は単なる「否定」を表す
unacademic「学究的でない」に対して, non-academic「学問とは縁のない」の意.

[*** \mathrm{un-}^1]
〖形容詞分詞, その派生語, 一部の名詞に付けて〗…で[が]ない, …の反対の

1. (added to adjectives, participles, and their derivatives) denoting the absence of a quality or state; not: unabashed | unacademic | unrepeatable
(形容詞、分詞、それらの派生に追加して)質や状態が欠如していることを表す; ~でない
the reverse of (usually with an implication of approval or disapproval, or with another special connotation): unselfish | unprepossessing | unworldly.
2. (added to nouns) a lack of: unrest | untruth
(名詞に追加して) 不足している

Old English, of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin in- and Greek a-.

The prefixes un- and non- both mean ‘lacking’ or ‘not,’ but there is a distinction in terms of perspective. The prefix un- tends to be stronger and less neutral than non-. Consider, for example, the differences between unacademic and nonacademic, as in his language was refreshingly unacademic; a nonacademic life suits him.

[*** \mathrm{un-}^2]

1. (added to verbs) denoting the reversal or cancellation of an action or state: untie | unsettle.
(動詞に追加して) 行為や状態の逆・取り消しを表す
2. (added to verbs) denoting deprivation, separation, or reduction to a lesser state: unmask | unman.
(動詞に追加して) より少ない状態まで欠乏、分離、減少することを表す
(added to verbs) denoting release: unburden | unhand.

Old English un-, on-, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ont- and German ent-.