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1. the conclusion that can be drawn from something although it is not explicitly stated:
〖具体例ではan (...) ~/~s〗 «…という/…の» 含意, 含み; 暗示 «that節/of(wh節)»
e.g. the implication is that no one person at the bank is responsible.
a likely consequence of something:
〖通例~s〗 «…への» (予想される)影響, 結果 «for»
e.g. a victory that had important political implications.
2. the action or state of being involved in something:
【犯罪などへの】かかわる, 巻き込まれること, 関与; 連座 «in»
e.g. our implication in the problems.

by what is implied or suggested rather than by formal expression:
暗に, それとなく
e.g. he criticized her and, by implication, her country.

implicational | -SHənl | adjective

late Middle English (in the sense ‘entwining, being entwined’): from Latin implicatio(n-), from the verb implicare (see implicate).