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(平面・立体の)かど, すみ; 〖形容詞的に〗すみで使われる
e.g. Jan sat at one corner of the table.
e.g. he drove the ball into the corner of the net.
町かど, 曲がりかど, 交差点(⦅略⦆
cor.); 〖形容詞的に〗町かどの(小さな)
e.g. an apartment on the corner of 199th Street and Amsterdam Avenue
e.g. as modifier : the corner house.
〖通例a ~〗 窮地, 苦しい立場
e.g. he found himself backed into a corner.
〘野球〙 (内外角の)コーナー
e.g. two outs, with runners on the corners.
e.g. serious racers want a car that is fast going into and out of the corners.
⦅書⦆ へんぴな所, 果て, 片すみ; 〖しばしば~s〗 地方, 方面; 〖the C-〗オーストラリア中部の州境地域〘New South Wales, Queensland, South Australiaの3州〙
e.g. they descended on the college from all corners of the world
e.g. his wisdom was disseminated to the four corners of the earth
e.g. figurative : she couldn't bear journalists prying into every corner of her life.
〘商〙 【株式・商品の】買い占め, 独占 «in, on»
〘ボクシング〙 (リングの)コーナー
e.g. Hodkinson was encouraged by his corner.
verb with object
〈人・獲物〉をすみに追い込む (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the man was eventually cornered by police dogs.: その男はついに警察犬によって追い込まれた。
e.g. I managed to corner Gary for fifteen minutes.: 私は15分間ギャリーになんとか詰め寄った。
【品物の】〈市場〉を独占する «in, for»
e.g. whether they will corner the market in graphics software remains to be seen.: 彼らがグラフィックソフトウェアの市場独占するかどうかはまだ定かではない。
〘商〙 〈株・商品など〉を買い占める;
e.g. you cornered vanadium and made a killing.: あなたはバナジウムを買い占めて大儲けした。
〈人・車などが〉かどを回る, 急カーブを曲がる.
e.g. no squeal is evident from the tires when cornering fast.: 早く曲がるときにタイヤがキーキーいってないのは明らかだ。
very near: とても近い
⦅くだけて⦆ (時間的に)目前に迫って, もうすぐ
e.g. there's a pharmacy around the corner.: もうすぐ薬局がある。
acting as a second, to a boxer.
on someone's side; giving someone support and encouragement.
e.g. there were saloons on every corner
e.g. it's difficult to readjust when the past assaults you at every corner
e.g. young executives sprouted in every corner.
see someone/something out of (or from) the corner of one's eye
see someone or something at the edge of one's field of vision.
see turn.