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[*** \mathrm{ring}^1] |riNG|

1. a small circular band, typically of precious metal and often set with one or more gemstones, worn on a finger as an ornament or a token of marriage, engagement, or authority.
指輪, リング
e.g. fried onion rings.
輪, 環(circle)
e.g. black rings around her eyes.
e.g. everyone sat in a ring, holding hands
e.g. he pointed to the ring of trees.
輪状の物[跡, 形]
e.g. they were dancing energetically in a ring.
〘天〙 (土星などの)環
short for tree ring.
〖~s〗 〘植〙 年輪(annual ring)
usually as modifier Archaeology a circular prehistoric earthwork, typically consisting of a bank and ditch:
e.g. a ring ditch.
3. an enclosed space, surrounded by seating for spectators, in which a sport, performance, or show takes place:
(円形の)競技場; 競馬場; 展示場; 〖the ~〗 ボクシング, レスリング.
e.g. a circus ring.
〖the ~〗 ボクシング, レスリング
4. a group of people drawn together due to a shared interest or goal, especially one involving illegal or unscrupulous activity:
(犯罪者の)一団, 徒党, 一味
e.g. the police had been investigating the drug ring.
5. Chemistry another term for closed chain.
〘数〙 環

verb with object
1. surround (someone or something), especially for protection or containment:
«…で» …を取り囲む «with, by» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the courthouse was ringed with police.
form a line around the edge of (something circular):
…を輪の形にする, 輪切りにする.
e.g. dark shadows ringed his eyes.
chiefly British draw a circle around (something), especially to focus attention on it:
⦅主に英⦆ …に丸を付ける, …を丸で囲む.
e.g. an area of Tribeca had been ringed in red.
2. put a circular band through the nose of (a bull, pig, or other farm animal) to lead or otherwise control it.
⦅主に英⦆ 〈鳥〉に足輪を付ける(⦅米⦆ tag); …に輪を付ける; 〈指〉に指輪をはめる; 〈家畜〉に鼻輪を付ける

see hat.

informal outclass or outwit someone very easily.

ringless adjective

Old English hring, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ring, German Ring, also to the noun rank1.

[*** \mathrm{ring}^2] |riNG|

verb (past rang |raNG| ; past participle rung |rəNG| )
1. no object make a clear resonant or vibrating sound:
〈ベル・鐘などが〉 «…を告げて» 鳴る «for»
e.g. a shot rang out
e.g. a bell rang loudly
e.g. (as noun ringing) : the ringing of fire alarms.
with object cause (a bell or alarm) to ring:
〈人が〉 «…を求めて» ベルを鳴らす «for»
e.g. he walked up to the door and rang the bell.
e.g. the phone rang again as I replaced it.
〈人が〉 «…を求めて» ベルを鳴らす «for»
e.g. Ruth, will you ring for some tea?
with object sound (the hour, a peal, etc.) on a bell or bells:
〈鐘・警報などが〉〈時・警告など〉を告げる, 音で知らせる.
e.g. a bell ringing the hour.
2. with object British call by telephone:
⦅英⦆ «…を求めて» 電話をかける(⦅米⦆ call)(up) «for»
e.g. I rang her this morning
e.g. Harriet rang Dorothy up next day
e.g. no object : I tried to ring, but the lines to Moscow were engaged.
3. (ring with/ring to) (of a place) resound or reverberate with (a sound or sounds):
⦅文⦆ 〈場所が〉 【声・音で】鳴り響く, どよめく; 【評判などで】持ち切りになる «with»
e.g. the room rang with laughter.
(of a person's ears) be filled with a continuous buzzing or humming sound, especially as the aftereffect of a blow or loud noise:
〈耳が〉じーんとする, 耳鳴りがする
e.g. he yelled so loudly that my eardrums rang.
(ring with) be filled or permeated with (a particular quality):
⦅文⦆ 〈言葉・声などが〉 【耳・頭などに】残る, 響く «in»
e.g. a clever retort which rang with contempt.
no object, with complement convey a specified impression or quality:
〖~ C〗 〈言葉・表現などが〉Cのように聞こえる (!Cは〖形容詞〗)
e.g. the author's honesty rings true.

an act of causing a bell to sound, or the resonant sound caused by this:
(ベル・電話などの)鳴る音, 響き; (ベルなどを[が])鳴らす[鳴る]こと
e.g. there was a ring at the door.
in singular informal a telephone call:
⦅英・くだけて⦆ ; 〖a ~〗 電話をかけること(call)
e.g. I'd better give her a ring tomorrow.
in singular a loud clear sound or tone:
(金属・硬貨などの)鳴る音; 響き
e.g. the ring of sledgehammers on metal.
in singular a particular quality conveyed by something heard or expressed:
〖通例a/the ... ~〗 (声・言葉などの)響く音, 響き, 調子
e.g. the song had a curious ring of nostalgia to it.
a set of bells, especially church bells.

see bell1.

see change.

cause a theater curtain to be lowered (or raised).
mark the end (or the beginning) of an enterprise or event:
e.g. the sendoff rings down the curtain on a major chapter in television history.

linger in the memory:
e.g. he left Washington with the president's praises ringing in his ears.

North American (of a telephone) be constantly ringing due to a large number of incoming calls.

ring in (or out) the new (or old) year
commemorate the new year (or the end of the previous year) with boisterous celebration.

end a telephone call by replacing the receiver.

record an amount on a cash register.
make, spend, or announce a particular amount in sales, profits, or losses.

British telephone (several people), typically to find something out or arrange something.

Old English hringan, of Germanic origin, perhaps imitative.