[*** \mathrm{ring}^1] |riNG|
指輪, リング
e.g. fried onion rings.
e.g. black rings around her eyes.
e.g. everyone sat in a ring, holding hands
e.g. he pointed to the ring of trees.
輪状の物[跡, 形]
e.g. they were dancing energetically in a ring.
〘天〙 (土星などの)環
e.g. a ring ditch.
(円形の)競技場; 競馬場; 展示場; 〖the ~〗 ボクシング, レスリング.
e.g. a circus ring.
〖the ~〗 ボクシング, レスリング
(犯罪者の)一団, 徒党, 一味
e.g. the police had been investigating the drug ring.
〘数〙 環
verb with object
«…で» …を取り囲む «with, by» (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. the courthouse was ringed with police.
…を輪の形にする, 輪切りにする.
e.g. dark shadows ringed his eyes.
⦅主に英⦆ …に丸を付ける, …を丸で囲む.
e.g. an area of Tribeca had been ringed in red.
⦅主に英⦆ 〈鳥〉に足輪を付ける(⦅米⦆ tag); …に輪を付ける; 〈指〉に指輪をはめる; 〈家畜〉に鼻輪を付ける
see hat.
informal outclass or outwit someone very easily.
[*** \mathrm{ring}^2] |riNG|
verb (past
rang |raNG| ; past participle
rung |rəNG| )
〈ベル・鐘などが〉 «…を告げて» 鳴る «for»
e.g. a shot rang out
e.g. a bell rang loudly
e.g. (as noun
ringing) : the ringing of fire alarms.
〈人が〉 «…を求めて» ベルを鳴らす «for»
e.g. he walked up to the door and rang the bell.
e.g. the phone rang again as I replaced it.
〈人が〉 «…を求めて» ベルを鳴らす «for»
e.g. Ruth, will you ring for some tea?
〈鐘・警報などが〉〈時・警告など〉を告げる, 音で知らせる.
e.g. a bell ringing the hour.
⦅英⦆ «…を求めて» 電話をかける(⦅米⦆
call)(up) «for»
e.g. I rang her this morning
e.g. Harriet rang Dorothy up next day
e.g. no object : I tried to ring, but the lines to Moscow were engaged.
⦅文⦆ 〈場所が〉 【声・音で】鳴り響く, どよめく; 【評判などで】持ち切りになる «with»
e.g. the room rang with laughter.
〈耳が〉じーんとする, 耳鳴りがする
e.g. he yelled so loudly that my eardrums rang.
⦅文⦆ 〈言葉・声などが〉 【耳・頭などに】残る, 響く «in»
e.g. a clever retort which rang with contempt.
〖~ C〗 〈言葉・表現などが〉Cのように聞こえる (!Cは〖形容詞〗)
e.g. the author's honesty rings true.
(ベル・電話などの)鳴る音, 響き; (ベルなどを[が])鳴らす[鳴る]こと
e.g. there was a ring at the door.
⦅英・くだけて⦆ ; 〖a ~〗 電話をかけること(
e.g. I'd better give her a ring tomorrow.
(金属・硬貨などの)鳴る音; 響き
e.g. the ring of sledgehammers on metal.
〖通例a/the ... ~〗 (声・言葉などの)響く音, 響き, 調子
e.g. the song had a curious ring of nostalgia to it.
see bell1.
see change.
cause a theater curtain to be lowered (or raised).
mark the end (or the beginning) of an enterprise or event:
e.g. the sendoff rings down the curtain on a major chapter in television history.
linger in the memory:
e.g. he left Washington with the president's praises ringing in his ears.
North American (of a telephone) be constantly ringing due to a large number of incoming calls.
ring in (or out) the new (or old) year
commemorate the new year (or the end of the previous year) with boisterous celebration.
end a telephone call by replacing the receiver.
record an amount on a cash register.
make, spend, or announce a particular amount in sales, profits, or losses.
British telephone (several people), typically to find something out or arrange something.