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verb with object (usually be surrounded)
be all around (someone or something): (人、物)のすべてを囲むように
〈物などが〉〈物・人〉を囲む; 〖be ~ed〗 〈物・人が〉 «…に» 囲まれている «by, with»
e.g. the hotel is surrounded by its own gardens: そのホテルは庭に囲まれている。
〖~ oneself with A〗 A〈人・物〉を常に自分の周りに置く
e.g. figurative : he loves to surround himself with family and friends.: 彼は家族と友人を常に自分の周りに置くのが大好きだ。
(of troops, police, etc.) encircle (someone or something) so as to cut off communication or escape: (兵士、警察などが)コミュニケーションや逃亡を断つために(人、物を)囲う
e.g. troops surrounded the parliament building.: 兵士は議場を包囲した。
be associated with: ~と結びつけて考えられる
(密接に)…に結びつく, 〈事態など〉を伴う
e.g. the killings were surrounded by controversy.: それらの殺人は論争に結びついた。

a thing that forms a border or edging around an object: 物体の周りに線や縁取りをつくるもの
⦅主に英⦆ (窓・家具などの)飾り縁, 枠
e.g. an oak fireplace surround.: オーク製の暖炉の枠
(usually surrounds) the area encircling something; surroundings: 何かを囲っている領域; 状況
〖通例~s〗 周囲, 周辺; 環境
e.g. the beautiful surrounds of Moosehead Lake.: ムースヘッド湖の美しい環境

late Middle English (in the sense ‘overflow’): from Old French souronder, from late Latin superundare, from super-over’ + undare ‘to flow’ (from unda ‘a wave’); later associated with round. Current senses of the noun date from the late 19th century.