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cut off
source: [Fate/stay nightの佐々木小次郎が物干し竿を構えるGIF画像|無料GIF画像検索 GIFMAGAZINE 692277]

cut someone off
interrupt someone while they are speaking.
〖~ A off〗 A〈人〉の話に割って入る
interrupt someone during a telephone call by breaking the connection:
e.g. I listened to prerecorded messages for twenty-three minutes before being cut off.
prevent someone from receiving or being provided with something, especially power or water:
〈水・食料など〉の供給を止める; 〈エンジンなど〉を止める(off)
e.g. consumers were cut off for nonpayment.
reject someone as one's heir; disinherit someone:
A〈人〉の遺産相続権を奪う, Aを勘当する.
e.g. Gabrielle's family cut her off without a penny.
prevent someone from having access to somewhere or someone; isolate someone from something they previously had connections with:
〖~ A off〗 A〈関係〉を絶つ; A〈人〉との関係を絶つ (!Aは時に再帰代名詞)
〖通例be ~ off〗 〈場所・人が〉 «…から» 孤立する «from» ; ⦅比喩的に⦆ «…に» 疎い «from»
e.g. we were cut off from reality.
informal (of a driver) overtake someone and pull in too closely in front of them.
⦅米⦆ 脇道に入る
Aを妨げる; A〈人(の行く手)〉を遮る; A〈道路〉を封鎖する.