generated at

1. a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle, used for flogging or beating a person or for urging on an animal.
a blow with a whip or similar implement.
used to refer to something causing pain or acting as a stimulus to action:
e.g. councils are attempting to find new sites under the whip of a powerful agency
e.g. the governor cracked the whip in the city.
2. an official of a political party appointed to maintain discipline among its members in Congress or Parliament, especially so as to ensure attendance and voting in debates.
〘政〙 (米国・英国の)院内幹事〘議会で自党議員に出席と党議に従った投票を促す〙
⦅英⦆ (議員への)登院命令(書)(→ three-line whip)
e.g. he asked for the whip to be withdrawn from them.
3. a dessert consisting of cream or eggs beaten into a light fluffy mass with fruit, chocolate, or other ingredients.
⦅英⦆ 〖材料では可算〗ホイップ〘泡立てた卵白やクリームを用いたデザート〙
a utensil such as a whisk or an eggbeater for beating cream, eggs, or other food.
4. short for whipper-in.
6. with modifier North American a scythe for cutting specified crops:
e.g. a grass whip.
〘海〙 (荷物を引き上げる)滑車装置
8. US informal a car:
e.g. I just got new wheels for my whip.

verb (whips, whipping, whipped) with object
1. beat (a person or animal) with a whip or similar instrument, especially as a punishment or to urge them on.
〈人・動物など〉をむちで打つ; …をせっかんする; …をむち打って «…の状態に» する «into» ; …をむち打って駆り立てる(on, up)
⦅文⦆ 〈風・雨・枝などが〉…を激しく打つ; 〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈物〉をたたきつける (!〖副詞〗は場所・運動などの表現)
e.g. the wind whipped their faces
⦅文⦆ ; 〖~+副詞〗 〈風・雨・枝などが〉激しく打つ, たたきつける (!〖副詞〗は場所・運動などの表現) ; 〈旗・髪などが〉激しくはためく[なびく]
e.g. no object : ferns and brambles whipped at him.
informal (of a player or team) defeat (a person or team) heavily in a sporting contest.
⦅くだけて⦆ 〈相手など〉を打ち負かす
2. no object, with adverbial of direction move fast or suddenly in a specified direction:
〖~+副詞〗 〈人・物が〉すばやく[突然]動く (!〖副詞〗は場所・運動などの表現)
e.g. I whipped around the corner.
with object and adverbial of direction take out or move (something) fast or suddenly:
〖~ A+副詞〗 A〈物〉をすばやく[突然]動かす; ひったくる (!〖副詞〗は運動・方向などの表現)
e.g. he whipped out his revolver and shot him.
3. beat (cream, eggs, or other food) into a froth.
4. bind (something) with spirally wound twine.
〈網の端など〉を糸[ひも]で巻いてほぐれないようにする; 〈縁(へり)〉をかがる, まつる
sew or gather (something) with overcast stitches.

a position of power or control over someone:
e.g. he had the whip hand over other members of the cabinet.

see bust someone's ass2.

act as whipper-in.

urge or rouse someone into (a specified state or position):
e.g. the radio host whipped his listeners into a frenzy
e.g. the city had been whipped into shape.

deliberately excite someone into having a strong feeling or reaction:
e.g. Dad had managed to whip himself up into a fantastic rage.

1. cause water, sand, etc., to rise up and be flung about in a violent manner:
e.g. the sea was whipped up by a force-nine gale.
stimulate a particular feeling in someone:
e.g. we tried hard to whip up interest in the products.
2. make or prepare something, typically something to eat, very quickly.

write something hurriedly:
e.g. you'll find the software ideal for whipping out memos and proposals.

whiplike adjective
whipper noun

Middle English: probably from Middle Low German and Middle Dutch wippenswing, leap, dance’, from a Germanic base meaning ‘move quickly’. The noun is partly from the verb, reinforced by Middle Low German wippequick movement’.