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verb with object
1. take or move (someone or something) in a particular direction suddenly and quickly:
〖~ A+副詞〗 〈人が〉A〈人・物〉をさっと動かす, すばやく連れ[持ち]去る (!〖副詞〗は方向の表現)
e.g. his jacket was whisked away for dry cleaning.
2. beat or stir (a substance, especially cream or eggs) with a light, rapid movement.
3. US brush with a whisk broom.
〈ハエ・ほこりなど〉をさっと払う(away, off)

1. a utensil for whipping eggs or cream.
泡立て器(→ utensil)
2. (also fly whisk) a bunch of grass, twigs, or bristles for removing dust or flies.
3. in singular a brief, rapid action or movement:
〖通例a ~ of A〗 Aの一振り; Aのすばやい動き
e.g. a whisk around St. Basil's cathedral.
4. US short for whisk broom.
⦅米⦆ 洋服ブラシ, 卓上ほうき

late Middle English: of Scandinavian origin.