verb (past and past participle
bound |bound| )
with object 〈人が〉 【ロープなどで】〈人・物〉を縛る, 束ねる(together, up) «with» ; «…に» …を縛りつける, くくりつける «to, on»
e.g. floating bundles of logs bound together with ropes
e.g. the magician bound her wrists with a silk scarf.
e.g. the raider then bound and gagged Mr. Glenn.
【体の一部に】〈布など〉を巻く «around»
e.g. her hair was bound up in a towel.
e.g. he cleaned the wound and bound it up with a clean dressing
e.g. she had bound his wounds with a poultice of herbs.
«…で» (補強・装飾のため)〈布・織物など〉に縁をつける «with» ; 〈編み物の目〉をかがる
e.g. an ancient oak chest bound with brass braces.
〈物〉を固める, 凝固させる; 〘料〙 【つなぎで】〈材料〉を固める «with» ; 〖be bound〗〘化〙 〈物質が〉化合する(together)
e.g. with object : mix the flour with the coconut and enough egg white to bind them
〈料理の材料・コンクリートなどが〉しっかり固まる, 締まる
e.g. no object : clay is made up chiefly of tiny soil particles that bind together tightly.
e.g. use a white that is bound in linseed oil.
e.g. a protein in a form that can bind DNA.
〘化〙 〈物質が〉 «…に» 化合する «to, with»
e.g. these proteins have been reported to bind to calmodulin.
〈物が〉(精神的・経済的に)〈人・国など〉を結びつける, 団結させる(together)
e.g. the comradeship that had bound such a disparate bunch of young men together.
«…に» …を結びつける «to»
e.g. loosened the ties that had bound him to the university.
〈規則などが〉〈人〉を束縛する(down); «…するよう» 〈人〉に義務を負わせる «to do»
e.g. a party who signs a document will normally be bound by its terms.
«…に» 〈人〉を奉公に行かせる(out, over) «to» .
e.g. he was bound apprentice at the age of sixteen.
e.g. the government cannot bind itself as to the form of subsequent legislation.
e.g. Sarah did not want to be bound by a rigid timetable.
«…で» 〈本など〉をとじる, 装丁[製本]する «in»
e.g. a small, fat volume, bound in red morocco.
e.g. a ruffle with the edges bound in a contrasting color.
>For example, in an expression of the form ‘For every x, if x is a dog, x is an animal,’ the universal quantifier is binding the variable x.
⦅くだけて⦆ 困った状況
e.g. he is in a political bind over the welfare issue.
e.g. the moral bind of the law.
〘楽〙 結合線
4. another term for
see hand.
(usually be bound over) (of a court of law) require someone to fulfill an obligation, typically by paying a sum of money as surety:
e.g. he was bound over for trial on a felony charge.