[*** \mathrm{cast}^1] |kast|
verb (past and past participle
cast |kast| )
⦅文⦆ ; 〖~ A (+副詞)〗 〈人などが〉A〈石・さいころなど〉を投げる, ほうる (!〖副詞〗は場所・方向の表現; この意味では通例
e.g. figurative : individuals who do not accept the norms are cast out from the group
e.g. lemmings cast themselves off the cliff.
⦅主に書⦆ ; 〖~ A (+副詞)〗 〈物などが〉〈光・影・影響など〉を投げかける, 投じる, 向ける; 〈魔法・呪いなど〉をかける (!〖副詞〗はon, overなどの場所・方向の表現)
e.g. the fishermen cast a large net around a school of tuna
e.g. figurative : he cast his net far and wide in search of evidence.
〈人などが〉〈非難・疑い・視線など〉を向ける, 注ぐ
e.g. she cast down her eyes
e.g. with two objects : she cast him a desperate glance.
⦅主に書⦆ ; 〖~ A (+副詞)〗 〈物などが〉〈光・影・影響など〉を投げかける, 投じる, 向ける(!〖副詞〗はon, overなどの場所・方向の表現)
e.g. the moon cast a pale light over the cottages
e.g. figurative : running costs were already casting a shadow over the program.
〈人などが〉〈非難・疑い・視線など〉を向ける, 注ぐ
e.g. journalists cast doubt on the government's version of events
e.g. I do not wish to cast aspersions on your honesty.
with adverbial of direction discard:
…を投げ捨てる, 落とす
e.g. the issue was cast from the list of concerns.
e.g. the antlers are cast each year.
e.g. when hammered or cast, bronze could be made into tools.
e.g. a bell was cast for the church.
e.g. he issued statements cast in tones of reason.
…を計算する, 合算する.
e.g. residents turned out in record numbers to cast their votes.
e.g. the witch cast a spell on her to turn her into a beast
e.g. figurative : the city casts a spell on the visitor.
e.g. you can look at the star chart cast at somebody's birth.
e.g. cross the set and cast down one place.
e.g. the dog cast furiously for the vanished rabbit.
e.g. casting the hounds into cover, we stood and listened.
e.g. bronze casts of the sculpture.
e.g. the artist's casts and molds became the property of the museum.
e.g. I had to spend a month in a cast.
(石・さいころ・視線などを)投げること, ひと投げ; 投げた距離
e.g. he grabbed a spear for a third cast.
e.g. I swung the rod out for a cast.
e.g. 'tis no winning cast.
⦅文⦆ 色合い, 気味.
e.g. she had a somewhat masculine cast of countenance
e.g. the colors he wore emphasized the olive cast of his skin.
⦅主に英・かたく⦆ 様子, 特徴; 気質 (!通例修飾語を伴って)
e.g. this question is for minds of a more philosophical cast than mine.
⦅やや古⦆ (軽度の)斜視, やぶにらみ.
e.g. he had a cast in one eye.
(of a person) be of the type specified:
e.g. he was cast in a cautious mold.
have a quick appraising look at:
e.g. he was invited to cast his eyes over the exhibition.
think back to a particular event or time:
e.g. he cast his mind back to the fatal evening.
search far and wide (physically or mentally):
e.g. he is restlessly casting about for novelties.
from cast1 (sense 9 of the verb).
be stranded after a shipwreck:
e.g. he returned home three years after being cast away on the island.
feel depressed:
e.g. she was greatly cast down by abusive criticism of her novels.
Knitting take the stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish the edge:
e.g. when the piece of knitting is long enough, cast off
e.g. cast off a few stitches at the armhole.
2. set a boat or ship free from its moorings:
e.g. the boatmen cast off and rowed downriver
e.g. Jack cast off our moorings.
(cast off) (of a boat or ship) be set free from its moorings:
e.g. the ferry cast off and made a beeline for the pier.
3. let loose a hunting hound or hawk.
Printing estimate the space that will be taken in print by manuscript copy.
exclude someone from a relationship:
e.g. you told me your family had cast you off.
Knitting make the first row of a specified number of loops on the needle:
e.g. cast on and knit a few rows of stockinette stitch.
1. (of the sea) deposit something on the shore:
e.g. she would collect objects cast up by the tides.
2. dated add up figures:
e.g. he could cast up intricate accounts in his head.
discard or reject:
e.g. they cast aside the principles of their youth.
[*** \mathrm{cast}^2] |kast|
〖通例the ~; 集合的に; 単複両扱い〗 (映画などの)出演者全員; 配役, キャスト
e.g. he draws sensitive performances from his inexperienced cast.
verb (past and past participle
with object 〈人〉に «…の» 役を割り当てる «as» ; 〈映画など〉の配役を決める; 〈役柄〉を決める; 〈人が〉 «…の典型と» 〈人〉を見なす, 描く «as»
e.g. he was cast as the
Spanish dancer
e.g. figurative : a campaign for good nutrition, in which red meat is cast as the enemy.
e.g. assembling a great baseball team is as tricky as casting a play.