generated at

point ついていく
follow: 後について行く行為を表す一般語
chase, 〘ややかたく〙 pursue: つかまえるために追いかけること
shadow: 離れずに尾行すること

1. a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface:
(輪郭のはっきりした)物影, 影(→ shade)
e.g. trees cast long shadows.
partial or complete darkness, especially as produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface:
〖時に~s; 複数扱い〗 (光の当たらない)陰, 暗がり; 〖~s〗 夕闇(→ shade)
e.g. the north side of the cathedral was deep in shadow
e.g. (shadows) : a stranger slowly approached from the shadows.
the shaded part of a picture.
(絵の)陰影, 暗部
a dark patch or area on a surface:
(目の下の)くま; (影のように)暗い部分
e.g. there are dark shadows beneath your eyes.
e.g. shadows on his lungs.
2. used in reference to proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom:
⦅比喩的に⦆ 〖単数形で〗(大きな悪い)影響; (不幸などの)暗い影, 陰り
e.g. the shadow of war fell across Europe
e.g. only one shadow lay over Sally's life.
used in reference to something insubstantial or fleeting:
⦅比喩的に⦆ (実体のない)影; (はかなく消える)影; 幻
e.g. a freedom that was more shadow than substance.
used in reference to a position of relative inferiority or obscurity:
e.g. he lived in the shadow of his father.
with negative the slightest trace of something:
〖a ~ of A〗 ごくわずかのA
e.g. she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying.
a weak or inferior remnant or version of something:
e.g. this fine-looking, commanding man had become a shadow of his former self.
an expression of perplexity or sadness:
e.g. a shadow crossed Maria's face.
(影のように)つき従う人, 腰ぎんちゃく
e.g. her faithful shadow, a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe.
(影のように)つきまとう人, 尾行者
e.g. no matter where Johnson went, his shadow stayed with him.
a person who accompanies someone in their daily activities at work in order to gain experience at or insight into a job.
usually as modifier British the opposition counterpart of a government minister:
⦅英⦆ 〘政〙 (野党内の)影の大臣.
e.g. the shadow Chancellor.
4. short for eyeshadow.

verb with object
1. envelop in shadow; cast a shadow over:
⦅文⦆ …を陰にする, 陰で覆う(shade)
e.g. the market is shadowed by St. Margaret's church
〈気持ち・表情など〉を暗くさせる, 憂鬱にする
e.g. a hood shadowed her face.
2. follow and observe (someone) closely and secretly:
…に影のようにつきまとう, …を尾行する
e.g. he had been up all night shadowing a team of poachers.
e.g. he formerly helped to shadow the Foreign Office.
accompany (someone) in their daily activities at work in order to gain experience at or insight into a job:
e.g. the placement might involve shadowing a manager.

be very timid or nervous.

cause (something) to be less good or enjoyable:
e.g. his unexpected death cast a shadow over the event
e.g. the controversy continues to cast a shadow on her career.

shadowless adjective

Old English scead(u)we (noun), oblique case of sceadu (see shade), sceadwianscreen or shield from attack’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch schaduw and German Schatten (nouns), from an Indo-European root shared by Greek skotosdarkness’.