[*** \mathrm{lap}^1] |lap|
〖通例one's ~〗 膝 (!座った姿勢での腰から膝がしらまでの部分; →
e.g. come and sit on my lap.
e.g. she stood up and brushed the crumbs from the lap of her dress.
(of something unexpected) come someone's way without any effort having been made:
e.g. not many reporters are lucky enough to have stories fall into their laps.
as someone's responsibility:
e.g. she dumped the problem in my lap.
in conditions of great comfort and wealth:
e.g. Katie was living in the lap of luxury in Paris.
[*** \mathrm{lap}^2] |lap|
(トラック競技などの)1周, ラップ; 〖単数形で〗(旅行などの)1行程(
leg); (計画・事業の)1段階
e.g. heavy rain stopped the race after 18 laps
e.g. as modifier : a lap record.
stage in a
swim consisting of two lengths (or one length) of a
e.g. everyone did ten laps of the pool.
e.g. we caught a cab for the last lap of our journey.
重なっている[突き出た]部分; 重なり合う部分の寸法
e.g. cut to the depth and width of the lap.
e.g. they have sufficient lap to act compositely.
(宝石・刃物などを磨く)研磨盤, ラップ盤
〈人〉を1周抜く; 〈トラックなど〉を1周する
e.g. she lapped all of her rivals in the 3,000 meters.
e.g. he lapped two tenths of a second faster than anyone else.
⦅書・文⦆ 【やわらかい物などで】〈人の身体・物など〉を包む, 囲む(wrap) «in» ; 〈喜びが〉〈人〉を包み込む
e.g. he was lapped in blankets
e.g. figurative : I was accustomed to being lapped in luxury.
(ある範囲の外まで)伸びる, はみ出す(over)
e.g. the water lapped over the edges.
e.g. (as noun
lapping) : the honing and lapping of ring gauges.
[*** \mathrm{lap}^3] |lap|
〈動物などが〉ピチャピチャ飲む; ぺろぺろなめる(up)
e.g. the cat was lapping up a saucer of milk.
A〈情報・注目・称賛など〉を(よく吟味せず)受け入れる, 楽しむ, 信じる.
e.g. she's lapping up the attention.
〈波が〉 【岸・ボート・足元などに】ひたひたと寄せる, 打ち寄せる «against, at, around, over»
e.g. the waves lapped the shore
e.g. no object : the sound of the river lapping against the banks.
noun in singular
〖the ~〗 (波などが)ひたひたと寄せること[音](
e.g. listening to the comfortable lap of the waves against the shore.