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the part of the human body below the ribs and above the hips.
〖しばしばone's ~〗 腰(のくびれ), ウエスト (!胴の細くなっている部分で, 日本語の「腰」の上部; → hip1)
the circumference of a person's waist:
e.g. her waist is 28 inches.
a narrowing of the trunk of the body above the hips:
e.g. the last time you had a waist was around 1978.
the part of a garment encircling or covering the waist.
the point at which a garment is shaped so as to narrow between the rib cage and the hips:
e.g. a jacket with a high waist.
US a blouse or bodice.
⦅米⦆ (婦人の)ブラウス
a narrow part in the middle of anything, such as a violin, an hourglass, the body of wasp, etc.
(弦楽器などの)中央部のくびれ; (ハチなどの)胸と胴の間のくびれ.
the middle part of a ship, between the forecastle and the quarterdeck.
(飛行機の)胴体中央部; 〘海〙 (船の)中央部上甲板

waisted | ˈwāstid | adjective
in combination : high-waisted
waistless adjective

late Middle English: apparently representing an Old English word from the Germanic root of wax2.