暗号; (独自の意味を持つ)記号体系
e.g. the Americans cracked their diplomatic code
e.g. sending messages in code.
e.g. Morse code.
〖単数形で〗〘生物〙 (遺伝子などの)情報
e.g. the genetic code
e.g. calls with either code will work in the 201 area.
〘コンピュ〙 コード, 符号
e.g. assembly code
e.g. hundreds of lines of code.
法典, 規則集
e.g. the criminal code.
(社会・特定の集団などの)規則, 規定, 決まり, おきて
e.g. a dress code.
e.g. a stern code of honor.
verb with object
〈メッセージなど〉を暗号化する (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. only Mitch knew how to read the message—even the name was coded.
e.g. (as adjective
coded) : a national campaign against “playing by ear,” a coded phrase that meant jazz.
(分類などのため)〈物など〉に番号[符号]を付ける (!しばしば受け身で)
e.g. she coded the samples and sent them down for dissection.
〘コンピュ〙 〈プログラム〉をコード化する
e.g. most developers code C + + like C
〘コンピュ〙 (プログラムを)コード化する.
e.g. no object : I no longer actively code in PHP.
〘生物〙 〈遺伝子が〉 «…の» 遺伝暗号を指定する «for»
e.g. genes that code for human growth hormone.
e.g. one pair of homologous chromosomes that codes for eye color.
North American renovate an old building or update its features in line with the latest building regulations.