秘密の, 内密の; 【人に】知られていない, 内緒で «from» ; 〖名詞の前で〗人目につかない〈場所〉
e.g. how did you guess I had a secret plan?
e.g. the resupply effort was probably kept secret from Congress.
比較なし 〖名詞の前で〗人目を避ける, 隠れた〈感情など〉; 内奥の
e.g. a secret drinker.
〖通例be ~〗 〈人が〉 «…について» 口がかたい «about» ; こそこそやる
e.g. he can be the most secret man.
秘密, 機密, 内緒事
e.g. a state secret
e.g. at first I tried to keep it a secret from my wife.
e.g. I'm not trying to explain the secrets of the universe in this book.
〖通例the ~〗 «…の» 秘訣; 秘伝, こつ «of, to»
e.g. the secret of a happy marriage is compromise.
be among the few people who know something.
without others knowing.
make something perfectly clear.